Been playing SMAC since June '99 & SMACX since it was released. Am a builder by temperament. Mostly play as Morgan or Santiago. Looking for something completely different, in SMAC mode, played as Miriam. What fun! Try it. You might like it.
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Orange is GOOD!
Playing As miriam as a builder can be cool, the +2 support can account for some extra formers per base, at least that's how I use the extra support when playing miriam builder style.
If playing agressive, the extra support goes into new military units (of course)
Some people on these forums scare me.....
The University shall crush you all
Once Miriam gets Probe teams and SotHB i.e. Fundy she is a total ***** on wheels and a lotof fun to play.
With whatever= Planned or (Free market once Punishment spheres) are in place. Slam econ as high as you can to max out your monies and probe your way to tech parity.
Problem is she needs to be on land. Sure you can use foil probe teams but that means yet another tech and expensive foil units. Weather Paradigm is Miriam's friend in order to raise land bridges and cut down former turns required for t-forming thereby allowing her to priorotize more units towards military ones before cutting into her support rating."Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson
“In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter
"One would think that the extra support should go to the poor "
In Miriam's society the poor all get a 'care package' and are told to 'share' it with the heathen down the mag tube. And never point out that the 'packages' tick. She just, um, likes clocks a lot.
Now about those godless weirdos with the HSA.
Indeed, I've had a good game as the Believers. However, I actually play semi-peacefully. That is, most of my warmongering is in the subtle realm of the spy.
By the time I'm finished draining Morgan's bank accounts, or stealing Zakharov's research data, well let's just say Lal did it shall we?
By framing the other factions, I can get everybody to war with each other. Since there will be bad blood between the other factions, it makes it much easier for me to gain Planetary Council votes. And if they need to be bribed, its easily affordable with Free Market and Wealth running.
The only faction I've been troubled by when playing like this is the Hive, who seem to want to try and crush me even though five other factions are pounding away at them.
If I do get caught, I can use the stolen weapons technology to hammer away at the enemy, or use my probes to turn their units and bases against them.
My social engineering choices for the Believers:
- Fundamentalist
- Free Market
- Wealth
- Thought Control (once the Cloning Vats are built)"Corporation, n, An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility." -- Ambrose Bierce
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." -- Benjamin Franklin
"Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction." -- Thomas Jefferson
Hehe, Miriam can be a lot of fun. I'm usually a builder too, but once I decided to experiment some good old warmongering fun and chose Miriam... mainly because of her +25% bonus in attack. I had then one of the most enjoyable SMAC games I ever played, being a b1tch and tormenting the others.
But I never tried playing her as a builder. Hm... I might try it sometime. Sounds interesting.
edit: spellingI watched you fall. I think I pushed.
Miriam is pretty fun, in the early 15+ years before you get cent ecology it is fun to stockpile scout patrols, and do a "scout patrol rush" on whatever hapless victim is nearby. Sheer numbers of scout patrols can do a lot, they cost *half* as much as the next cheapest military unit, and with miriam's fanatic attack bonus they can do some damage.
That said I try to replace them as soon as I can, but it is a rather humorous method of attack
I think Miriam does pretty darn well with demo too, once you reach the midgame and have sizeable bases the support penalty doesn't hurt as much, you are still at zero support meaning 2 units per base and free minerals for new bases. You can also spread the support burden around at conquered bases.
Miriam in fundy is a military juggernaut, its like having the HSA. Elite probe teams make taking out perim defenses and the like easy, and once those are gone it is quite easy to take out any well defended base. Throw all your energy into econ and you should be able to utilize captured bases pretty well too.
The 10 turn tech penalty is really harsh in multiplayer games, especially games with any kind of an accelerated start (IE IP games). Once you get planetary networks, formers, recycing tanks, and some basic combat techs that is all you really need for a long time..
If you do manage to survive until the mid/late game, then +2 support is a pretty cool military rating. An absolutely phenomenal late game SE combo is fundy/green/power/eudaimonia. +3 probe, +4 support, +2 efficiency, +2 econ, and +1 morale! That is all any warmonger could ever desire, and the efficiency and econ bonuses mean you can allocate energy to your economy and still make a sizable amount of cash.
Some like to say that support is meaningless by midgame, but I find this isn't true. Clean reactor is a cost 2 enhancement, meaning that it adds 50% to a unit's cost. Being able to support 14 military units from your top bases means you can make units with 2 abilities at the same cost as your enemies clean units, or crank out a large number of units at a dirt cheap price.
Originally posted by Hendrik
Miriam is pretty fun, in the early 15+ years before you get cent ecology it is fun to stockpile scout patrols, and do a "scout patrol rush" on whatever hapless victim is nearby. Sheer numbers of scout patrols can do a lot, they cost *half* as much as the next cheapest military unit, and with miriam's fanatic attack bonus they can do some damage.
Attacking a base with scout patrolsis even more useful, except for playing against Yang (perimeter defense at all bases) and to a lesser degree against Morgan (who starts out with Industrial base meaning synthmetal armor on his defenders, but because of his support rating probably has only one defender (maybe 2) in his bases) the rest of the factions can be "scout patrol rushed" with a nice probability of success (depending on the numbers)
Good early-game strategy
Gotta love them scout rushes. Last time with the Believers I had the Usurpers land nearby. Got to squash the nasty aliens before they could work out what planet they were on.
I did have this vision of my scout troopers leaping en masse onto the battle ogre and heroically sticking themselves into the gears to stop it from working.