Originally posted by MariOne
fluffy, in which world do you live?
fluffy, in which world do you live?
Ah, sorry, your comment is evidently SARCASTIC!

I have played many games that were more buggy and had worse AI than SMAX, but not many that were better (perhaps listing those that are better would be an interesting topic?).
I can't say for CivIII, as I barely played it, but all the Civ3 fans in this same site's forum endlessly claim that their beloved game is almost bugless and can't stop praising Firaxis for the unsolicited patching support...
Just because people say the game is almost bugless doesn't make it true. All the talk of 'innovative AI techniques' does not seem to have made a more playable game - indeed I returned quickly to SMAX as I found CIV3 games dull and uncompelling.
OK, I would agree that SMAX does have many bugs, and yes, the AI is pretty lame. But for all that it has a quality that I haven't yet been able to find in other, newer games.