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Democracy Game FAQ

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  • Democracy Game FAQ

    hello there everyone. do you like SMAC? then the ACDG is for you!
    Have you ever wondered what a democracy game was, but were too afraid to ask in the forum? well here's a nice pretty little FAQ for you. and yes, this is also a sleasy recruitment scheme

    1.<a href="#what?">What is a Democracy Game?</a>
    2.<a href="#what2?">What are the rules?</a>
    3.<a href="#how10?">How do I join?</a>
    4.<a href="#what4?">What is a turnchat? Where is it held?</a>
    5.<a href="#what5?">What is the Court?</a>
    6.<a href="#how?">How do I run for office?</a>
    7.<a href="#where?">Where can I find more Information?</a>
    8.<a href="#where2?">Where can I find old Saves/Turn reports?</a>
    9.<a href="#how2?">How do I start a party?</a>
    10.<a href="#how3?">How do I join a party?</a>
    11. <a href="#doi?">Do i have to join a party?</a>
    12.<a href="#what3?">What is the CNN?</a>
    13.<a href="#who?">Who moderates the forum?</a>
    <hr width=30%>

    <a name="what?"><b><u>Q. What is a democracy game?</b></u>

    A: A shared game of SMAC, where players vote to make decisions.

    <a name="what2?"><b><u>Q: What are the rules?</b></u>

    A: A commissioner and directors are elected to poll the citizens on all matters of the game. The rules are explained in detail here.

    <a name="how10?"><b><u>Q: How do I join?</b></u>

    A: By posting the necessary information in the citizen registry thread

    <a name="what4?"><b><u>Q: What is a turnchat? Where is it held?</b></u>

    A: A turnchat is a meeting of the cabinet. This is when the game is actually played. The directors give the commissioner the results of their polls, and he/she puts them into action. It is held on IRC->EFnet->#smacdg. Regular turnchat time is saturday, 22.00 GMT. All citizens are welcome.

    <a name="what5?"><b><u>Q: What is the court?</b></u>

    A: The court is a group of respected citizens who have been elected to resolve constitutional crises if they occur.

    <a name="how?"><b><u>Q: How do I run for office?</b></u>

    A: A nomination thread will be posted around the 16th of every month, and will be open for 9 days. Elections for the next month's term will then run from the 26th-29th. The next term will begin on the 1st of the next month.

    <a name="where?"><b><u>Q: Where can I find more information?</b></u>

    A: The ACDG directory thread, found here. This thread includes an index of old polls, current polls, and the gameplay settings.

    <a name="where2?"><b><u>Q: Where can I find old Saves/Turn reports?</b></u>

    A: The SAVS thread, found here. This thread also includes several important statistics

    <a name="how2?"><b><u>Q: How do I start a party?</b></u>

    A: Make a thread outlining your new party's goals and policies, and (hopefully) people will join

    <a name="how3?"><b><u>Q: How do I join an existing party?</b></u>

    A: By saying "I would like to join" in a party's thread. A complete list of parties can be found here

    <a name="doi?"><b><u>Q: Do I have to join a party?</b></u>

    A: Absolutely not.

    <a name="what3?"><b><u>Q: What is the CNN?</b></u>

    A: The CNN, or Chironian News Network, is a weekly Netpaper published by Darkness' Edge. It relates to the daily activities of the game.

    <a name="who?"><b><u>Q: Who moderates the forum?</b></u>

    A: DeathByTheSword rules with an iron fist.
    <hr width=50%>

    Nominations for term III are currently underway.

    Any further questions?

  • #2
    bump. we always welcome new people. it's good to have some more ideas around. nominations are over, but you can still come out and vote (if you join )


    • #3

      if you care (though the popularity of this thread seems to indicate you don't ) nominations for term IV have begun. come join us!

