Choppers. Choppers, Choppers, Choppers, Choppers, Choppers, Choppers, Choppers, Choppers, Choppers, Choppers, Choppers, Choppers, Choppers, Choppers.
Can you tell I love choppers? Once I have choppers, I build drop garrisons and choppers, and all who oppose me die. Clean nerve-gas choppers with the best weapons and plant you can find.
I almost never get to build hovertanks and gravships, cause my choppers have finished off my foes too soon.
Can you tell I love choppers? Once I have choppers, I build drop garrisons and choppers, and all who oppose me die. Clean nerve-gas choppers with the best weapons and plant you can find.
I almost never get to build hovertanks and gravships, cause my choppers have finished off my foes too soon.