I'm playing a game with my custom faction and all goes well. However, decades ago the Hive declared war on me (nothing new here) and they won't make peace. I've captured a few of their bases but I haven't committed any atrocities against them (unless blowing up a few colony pods and formers are considered atrocities by the AI). I've activated the scenario editor to see what Yang's policies were. Apparently he wants to fight to the death, even though I haven't given him any reason to do so. In fact, many times I've tried to contact him to make peace but he just blabbers about my Democratic government being a menace to his plans and won't listen to reason. There is no way that he can win this war (I'm casually building up my invason force while my navy and airforce contain him) but still he persists. So I was wondering: What makes an AI decide to fight to the death? And I know about atrocities, I am talking about other reasons
