I was wondering around the internet and found this site with some pictures of AC on it. These particular pictures caught my attention. Are these from the early versions or are these in the game somewhere? My only clue is that they are from early versions that were redesigned.
1 http://www.all4games.com/pc/alphacentauri/011.html
2 http://www.all4games.com/pc/alphacentauri/012.html
3 http://www.all4games.com/pc/alphacentauri/007.html
here is the main menue
edit. this picture makes me think it's some kind of mod or something
1 http://www.all4games.com/pc/alphacentauri/011.html
2 http://www.all4games.com/pc/alphacentauri/012.html
3 http://www.all4games.com/pc/alphacentauri/007.html
here is the main menue
edit. this picture makes me think it's some kind of mod or something
