Just playing another game of SMAX, I stumbled over the base name "Concordat of Worms". As probably many of you are not familiar with medieval German history, a short explanation:
The name has nothing to do with Mindworms at all. Worms is a nice city of 82 000 inhabitants on the west bank of the Rhine with a much more splendid past than presence
. In 1122, this was the place where the German Emperor and the Pope settled the dispute on investiture (Investiturstreit), i. e. who has the right to determine who becomes bishop. As many bishops in Germany also were rulers over a country (and of the seven Electors - those who had the right to elect the Emperor - three were bishops, those of Mainz, Trier and Cologne), this was an immensely political issue.
The name has nothing to do with Mindworms at all. Worms is a nice city of 82 000 inhabitants on the west bank of the Rhine with a much more splendid past than presence