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popboom bug in ip games ?

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  • popboom bug in ip games ?

    does anyone have any help on this problem :
    i was playing the morganites in an ip game against a friend.

    now , you know that to popboom , the morganites need golden ages , since
    they cannot use planned. so i built my creeches ( and hab-complexes ) , set
    psycho to 20% . i already was in democracy

    i had plenty of bases with size three and all 3 inhabitants talents , and
    enough food. and during the message phase between turns , before the
    synchronizing , all these bases boomed to size 4 . it was also shown on the
    however , when the first player actually started moving ( after the
    synchronizing ) all were back to size 3

    they didn't starve or anything , they just went back to size three

    the same thing happened in another game where i was playing the peacekeepers
    , just that i didn't care too much then , but now , with the morganites , i
    can't boom at all because of this

    oh , and off course, it doesn't happen when booming with creeches , demo ,
    planned , this works just fine . it only happens when trying to boom via
    golden ages

    the game is alien crossfire , with the 2.0 patch . is this common ? is their a way around it ? or can't i ever play morganites in ip-games now ?

  • #2
    IP games have a ton of weird bugs and annoyances. Fungal and Techtonic missiles don't work (they hit the top of the map always), you can sell the computer tech and it will keep buying until its energy reserves are well into the negative, can't shut off auto prototyping, can't cede bases to the AI, the list goes on and on.

    In a recent game I had all my cities keep the exact same build instructions and progress as last turn (like the turn didn't advance). No cities got any more minerals but one city that had just completed a supply crawler completed the same supply crawler again and I had 2. I know it was a bug because the city didn't have near the minerals needed to build a crawler in 1 turn.

    Suprisingly I have never had trouble pop booming, golden ages or no. As far as I know, this works fine. Still it comes as no shock that there is a possible IP bug associated with it.

    My advice is just to try it again, maybe next time it'll work. I can't really think of any other way to do it.
    "Luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell, "Mindriot"


    • #3
      Hi Seb, wie geht's?
      (sorry, don't do IPs, can't help you on topic)
      I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


      • #4
        Originally posted by MariOne
        Hi Seb, wie geht's?
        (sorry, don't do IPs, can't help you on topic)
        hi mose. ( iguess ? ) recht gut

        after that very satisfying but also very time-consuming pbem i decided i'd rather waste my time with ip-games now , which is less fun in a way but also much more simple


        • #5
          Were you playing in classic mode? Was he using SMAX 2.0 as well?

          The stalled turn thing isn't suprising to me at all. I've had a reverse version of this, where everything advanced a year when I hit turn complete, but the year indicator did not move foward. I confirmed this after the 3rd - 4th time I saw it in one game by going back to the autosave from the previous year.

          The sad truth is that SMAC is still a little buggy, and MP even more so. That's what you get when MP is tacked on to the main game and there is relatively poor product support.

          They never did eliminate the infinite drop bug did they?
          Fitz. (n.) Old English
          1. Child born out of wedlock.
          2. Bastard.


          • #6
            AFAIK, infinite drop bug still works. Instant demon boil still works, too.

            Get this, I was playing IP yesterday and when I took over a Peacekeeper (AI) city, my friends screen (he was the Univ.) zoomed to the PK base. He was able to control it like it was his own.

            I also frequently see units' ID's get mixed up in IP games. I'll highlight my former and the picture on the bottom right (that little info window) will say it's someone elses scout patrol. I've seen it say that my enemy was producing only fusion sea colony pods in all his bases, only to find out (to my dismay) that they were in fact all X-fusion choppers. It would be cool if you could screw with infiltration data this way on purpose.

            SMAX a little buggy? Hehe...
            "Luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell, "Mindriot"


            • #7
              no , wasn't classic mode

              i am not sure if the other player has the 2.0 patch installled as well , however , when i asked the question at another place , someone reliable told me that , should the versions differ , we wouldn't have been able to get on the same server , so i didn't ask the other player yet . guess i will

              yeah it's true there is a number of weird bugs in smac/x especially in multiplayer , and again more so in ip-games . units just disappear sometimes , and several times it happened to me that when i built a new base , the game would synchronize , and afterwards i would have 2 new bases , the second in a random spot , sometimes even right next to another ( where you normally can't build them ) . it's very seldom though and i never

              i have also had the zooming into an enemy base thing before

              however this popboom bug is the worst up to now =(
              it makes some factions unplayable


              • #8
                AFAIK, infinate drop bug still works
                where you right click to paradrop and keep doing it infinitly? i was using drop units excessivly in my last game and noticed this common knowledge?i fear more jokes about me living in a cave coming

                not cool
                if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

                ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


                • #9
                  It should be pretty common knowledge. I think there is a SMAX v2.0 bug list lying around these forums somewhere (it's a few years old). Maybe I'll see if I can bump it for people to look at.
                  "Luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell, "Mindriot"


                  • #10
                    Theres one over at CGN,
                    Play hangman.


                    • #11
                      We had a much bigger one (ran into hundreds, IIRC), but alas, it too appears to exist no more.
                      The church is the only organisation that exists for the benefit of its non-members
                      Buy your very own 4-dimensional, non-orientable, 1-sided, zero-edged, zero-volume, genus 1 manifold immersed in 3-space!
                      All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his.
                      "They offer us some, but we have no place to store a mullet." - Chegitz Guevara


                      • #12
                        Well I was gonna bump it, but as Chowlett says it appears to exist no more. Did a ton of old posts get deleted at some point that I am not aware of?
                        "Luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell, "Mindriot"


                        • #13
                          I may just have not searched well enough, and come to think of it, I didn't search the archive...

                          But we lost a lot of old threads in the server moves, I think.
                          The church is the only organisation that exists for the benefit of its non-members
                          Buy your very own 4-dimensional, non-orientable, 1-sided, zero-edged, zero-volume, genus 1 manifold immersed in 3-space!
                          All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his.
                          "They offer us some, but we have no place to store a mullet." - Chegitz Guevara

