okay, this is pretty much a interactive fiction/democracy/history game i trying to create... i may as well post it elsewhere as the at Fiction don't see to interested... just need feedback
there still many parts i still need to write up and some needs more working out.
i started doing this since i check out the never ending stories at civfanatics forum.
so what does people think?
-the game is base on the SMAC/X universe
-Each game turn equals to one game year which equals to one real day.
-the game will start in the year 2120 with seven factions: Peacekeepers, University, Morganites, Spartans, Hive, Gaians and Believers. The Alien Crossfire factions will start off as split off factions once the player start playing them. Only the Usurpers and Caretakers will crash land when atleast one player choses one of them...once they do, SMAX techs will be allowed. Custom factions are allowed, but please discuss it with me via PM.
-SMAC factions will start off with (2 + Growth) Bases, (number of bases x Support) of Units, (Game Years since 2100 x Economy) Energy credits, and (1 + Research + faction bonus techs) Technologies. SMAX and Custom factions start with (one base recently establish not very far from parent faction OR whatever amount of bases split off from the parent faction [discuss with Mod and Player of parent faction]) Bases, ( 3 + Support OR [if bases seperated] number of bases x parent faction Support) of Units, (25% subtracted from Parent Faction's Energy) Energy Credits and (parent faction Techs + faction bonus techs) Technologies. Usurpers and Caretakers start out with 1 Base, 5 Units, 100 Energy Credits and (2 + Research + faction bonus techs) Technologies.
-The game will be played on the Chiron map which will be roughly updated by a moderator or volunteer in the Datalinks thread.
-There will be three threads: NEC Discussion, NEC Game and NEC Datalinks. For any opinions, feedback, general discussion and etc please do so at the Discussion thread. Game thread is for the story only and minimal OOC allowed. Datalinks is where all stats, rules, map, infortion and etc will be updated. Please mark which game year some peticular stat like Map, Bases, Social Engineering, Technologies, Energy, and etc as been last updated...so don't need to update it everyday, but will do so by using the game year as reference when the peticular stat needs to be updated.
-Honesty, Common Sense and Consideration of other Players is required.
-Please be realistic people
-It is possible to go beyond the SMAC/X standards like new tech ideas or new form of government or etc, but should be discussed first in the Discussion thread or simply PM the main moderator with your idea.
-Have Fun!
Okay, I need like another moderator to help start this thing out...once development is finish.
another thing i need is a minimap of Chiron...trace out in black lines with white background saved as BMP if possible as i don't have Adobe Photoshop here (and not allowed to download it if i even could with this slow comp and modem) to do it myself. Just needed it so I or some volunteer can roughly update it of current faction territories.
what do you people think so far? interested to help out?

i started doing this since i check out the never ending stories at civfanatics forum.
so what does people think?
-the game is base on the SMAC/X universe
-Each game turn equals to one game year which equals to one real day.
-the game will start in the year 2120 with seven factions: Peacekeepers, University, Morganites, Spartans, Hive, Gaians and Believers. The Alien Crossfire factions will start off as split off factions once the player start playing them. Only the Usurpers and Caretakers will crash land when atleast one player choses one of them...once they do, SMAX techs will be allowed. Custom factions are allowed, but please discuss it with me via PM.
-SMAC factions will start off with (2 + Growth) Bases, (number of bases x Support) of Units, (Game Years since 2100 x Economy) Energy credits, and (1 + Research + faction bonus techs) Technologies. SMAX and Custom factions start with (one base recently establish not very far from parent faction OR whatever amount of bases split off from the parent faction [discuss with Mod and Player of parent faction]) Bases, ( 3 + Support OR [if bases seperated] number of bases x parent faction Support) of Units, (25% subtracted from Parent Faction's Energy) Energy Credits and (parent faction Techs + faction bonus techs) Technologies. Usurpers and Caretakers start out with 1 Base, 5 Units, 100 Energy Credits and (2 + Research + faction bonus techs) Technologies.
-The game will be played on the Chiron map which will be roughly updated by a moderator or volunteer in the Datalinks thread.
-There will be three threads: NEC Discussion, NEC Game and NEC Datalinks. For any opinions, feedback, general discussion and etc please do so at the Discussion thread. Game thread is for the story only and minimal OOC allowed. Datalinks is where all stats, rules, map, infortion and etc will be updated. Please mark which game year some peticular stat like Map, Bases, Social Engineering, Technologies, Energy, and etc as been last updated...so don't need to update it everyday, but will do so by using the game year as reference when the peticular stat needs to be updated.
-Honesty, Common Sense and Consideration of other Players is required.
-Please be realistic people
-It is possible to go beyond the SMAC/X standards like new tech ideas or new form of government or etc, but should be discussed first in the Discussion thread or simply PM the main moderator with your idea.
-Have Fun!

Okay, I need like another moderator to help start this thing out...once development is finish.
another thing i need is a minimap of Chiron...trace out in black lines with white background saved as BMP if possible as i don't have Adobe Photoshop here (and not allowed to download it if i even could with this slow comp and modem) to do it myself. Just needed it so I or some volunteer can roughly update it of current faction territories.
what do you people think so far? interested to help out?