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Bugs or features?

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  • Bugs or features?

    When I was just playing a nice little game on transcend something weird happened to me:

    I'm playing Dee and have forced Morgan into a submissive pact, he has only two bases left. Suddenly those two bases just disappeared (one of them with two SPs in it) without any faction touching them. Morgan restarted with 3 pods and some other units on a small peninsula which no other faction had claimed yet.

    Of course I wondered and loaded a savegame to get rid of that weird behaviour, but when I got into the same year again (2343 AFAIR) Morgan once again disappeared and reappeared on another spot of the map, another very small peninsula; this time he even had a 5 people base with some basic facilities such as rec tanks additional to the pods and units.

    Has anyone ever experienced anything like this and knows how to avoid it? Not that I would really miss Morgan but the 2 SPs in his capital are lost . If anyone wants to test it I can send the Savegame.

    And another thing I wonder about: The Locusts of Chiron only have 1 movement/turn even though they should have 10; is that intended or is it a bug?

    Oh I'm playing SMAX 2.0 if that is important.

  • #2
    Hmm - only thing I can think of is that you have "restart eliminated players" active, and that sea levels rising have swamped Morgan's bases, so the AI restarts him somewhere else. The fact that it happened twice in the same year on the replay suggests that this might be the case

    And I've never seen the LoC's with just 1 movement point - mine ususally have just 8, not 10.

    Check the line in your #UNITS list in alphax.txt. It should read:

    Locusts of Chiron, Gravship, Psi, Psi, 4,10, 0, CentGen, -1, 00000000000000000000100000

    The "4" is the key one - it's the air superiority flag (the "10" is the cost) as well as the "gravship" chassis designation

    Also count the # units and ensure that they match the #23 in the header (if your file is corrupted it might be taking another unit to be the locust)

    And check about four tables abovbe that (#CHASSIS) - the line you want to see is:

    Gravship,M1, Skybase,M1, Antigrav,M1, Skyfort,M1, 8, 2, 0, 0, 1, 8, Gravity, Deathsphere,M1, Doomwall,M1,

    where the first "8" is the movement range.

    Other than that, I've no idea.



    • #3
      I have indeed "restart eliminated players" active but if the sea level had been rising I would have got a notification wouldn't I?

      The lines in my alphax.txt look pretty much like the ones you posted; they are slightly different since I'm playing the German version of the game but as far as I can see all the important parts are the same.

      Nonetheless I would like to try it out with an original (English) alphax.txt; does anyone know where I can download it? Or can anyone e-mail it to


      • #4

        alphax.txt emailed to you



        • #5
          Thanx! Now the locusts work like you described, they have 8 movement points which they can really use.

          Now I just have to find a way to get rid of the language-mix of English and German; maybe copying only the Locust part of the English alphax.txt or something alike.

