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Cool Base Names

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  • Cool Base Names


    I seriously could not be bothered to search through all 62 page displays of thread titles to find one about base names. So I started my own.

    Cool Base Names

    I really like how FIRAXIS put a lot of thought into the base names for all the factions (except maybe the Cyborgs, but that's the faction's fault).

    Could anyone explain to me the significance of them? Sorry about some of the spellings.

    Like the University's Zvendy Gorodock - what does that mean? Zarya Sunrise - uh??

    Mendelev, Tslikovsky(sp?), Koppernigk, all people I have herd of. I recently found out Baikonour(sp?) was/is a Soviet rocket testing site. Zloto Gold as in the Polish Zloty. Lab Three as in that great Zakharov voiceover.

    My favourite base names are Library Of Planet and Planetary Archives. I think this planet should have both.

    But on a more sinister note... Training Camp? Why not call it Pink Sparta and have done with it. Or The Hive's Deep Passages? There has got to be some Freudian explaintion of Yang's underground bases anyway. And Morgan Pornography - no wait, I put that in there !

    After re-reading the in-game story I found out what the Gaian base name The Flowers Prech means. It always made me wonder. I'm so thick.

    Do any of you have any great base names you always use in the game you'd like to share?


  • #2
    I have always wondered about "Climactic Research". A misspelling of climatic or is this a place for x-rated experimenting?

    What about "Morgan Collections"? Is this the Planet wide trendsetter for high fashion?

    Surprising that so many of the Uni bases deal with rocketry.

    "Last Rose of Summer" is one of my favourites. Probably a reference to earth since Planet's seasons are not pronounced.


    • #3
      For me (not surprisingly to those who know me from the Alpha Centauri Fiction area) the Usurpers have the coolest base names. My favorites are Skymaster Base and Red Stick. (Gee, thanks for making me think of Freudian stuff.)

      After that, Last Rose of Summer and Autumn Grove are good but since they're attached to the Gaians I usually find myself burning them down. Did anybody else notice that the city dedicated to Sinder Roze's fallen assistant is "Katt's Cradle"? Maybe only Americans play that game.
      Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


      • #4
        I always liked the Believers' "He Walked on Water"... seems so weird to have a city -- oops, a base --- named like that.

        Spartan: where do you live?
        Believer: He Walked On Water.
        Spartan: No, I asked you where you live...
        Believer: I told you, He Walked On Water...
        Spartan: Bible-Thumper!!!
        Believer: What? Sister Miriam will know about this...
        I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


        • #5
          I think that Morgan and Peacekeepers have the most boring basenames (but I don't recall the cyborgs names; weren't they something like alpha, beta, gamma, delta.... ). Morgan this, Morgan that... U.N. this, U.N. that... like Alynzia said, I would like to see:
          Morgan Pornography ... or rather Morgan Adult Entertainment (talk about the need for Hologram Theatre or Virtual World )
          and Morgan Distillers, Morgan Detonators, Morgan Collection Agency (or was it there?), Morgan Chambers, Morgan Fried Chicken and Morgan Pizzeria... (now I'm getting hungry - again )

          ...about more of strange names : Assassin's Redoubt...
          or was it Readabout Did that assassin had doubts about something at one time, and now he/she has doubts again? Please could someone clarify...
          I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


          • #6
            .....Morgan Brothels, Morgan Toxic waste, Morgan Fish Dump, Yang's yang, U N Small Animal Admin, U N Department of Failure, Deidre's Hottub, there is a milion of those. My forte is renaming captued bases. Deidres humiliation, Miram's crushing defeat, Lal's Imcopentence, Zackarov's Stupidity, etc.
            Gaius Mucius Scaevola Sinistra
            Japher: "crap, did I just post in this thread?"
            "Bloody hell, Lefty.....number one in my list of persons I have no intention of annoying, ever." Bugs ****ing Bunny
            From a 6th grader who readily adpated to internet culture: "Pay attention now, because your opinions suck"


            • #7
              You know, there's a real Morgan Industries at Weird. Whenever I capture a base as Morgan I rename it by adding Morgan in front of the original name.


              • #8
                One of my base names I think sounds great is “Fungal Lake City”. You can probably guess where I build that one. Also, honouring the SMAC quotes, I call a base on the top of a mountain, eg between the Ruins, “We Sit Together”.

                Now some suggestions for less monotome Cyborg names:
                The Consciousness
                Rationality’s Reign
                Byte City
                Turing Base
                Borg Bastion
                Hal's Haven
                AI Farms
                The Algorithm
                Cyborg Citadel
                Silicon Valley
                Logic Loop
                Mainframe Mines
                Data Base
                Terminal City

                I found the list somewhere on a borg.txt file in my SMAC directory. No idea how it got there!
                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                • #9
                  Zarya means sunrise - a lot of the university names are the russian followed by the the English. ie Svobodny Free base - Svobodny means free.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by aaglo
                    ...about more of strange names : Assassin's Redoubt...
                    or was it Readabout Did that assassin had doubts about something at one time, and now he/she has doubts again? Please could someone clarify...
                    Main Entry: re·doubt
                    Pronunciation: ri-'daut
                    Function: noun
                    Etymology: French redoute, from Italian ridotto, from Medieval Latin reductus secret place, from Latin, withdrawn, from past participle of reducere to lead back -- more at REDUCE
                    Date: circa 1608
                    1 a : a small usually temporary enclosed defensive work b : a defended position : protective barrier
                    2 : a secure retreat : STRONGHOLD

                    Does that help?

                    In the times of cannon warfare (and posibly before), the destruction of a stronghold was called a reduction. You would reduce the Redoubt (pulverize or destroy the stronghold).
                    Fitz. (n.) Old English
                    1. Child born out of wedlock.
                    2. Bastard.


                    • #11
                      While the standard base names are ok, in some games I get a little inventive. I played as the Hive in a duel against a Spartan Player and IIRC I had bases with names like

                      Road to Sparta
                      Santiago's future prison
                      Forward Attack base
                      Former Spartan city

                      I also named some bays and inlets

                      Future invasion site
                      Don't come this way or die
                      Now you die

                      You get the idea . I'm actuall not that creative and have done the old Alexander's Horse CIV2 favorite " Look Behind You" a few times ( usually a captured enemy base in an "unexpected" place)
                      You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by M@ni@c
                        Now some suggestions for less monotome Cyborg names:
                        The Consciousness
                        Rationality’s Reign
                        Byte City
                        Turing Base
                        Borg Bastion
                        Hal's Haven
                        AI Farms
                        The Algorithm
                        Cyborg Citadel
                        Silicon Valley
                        Logic Loop
                        Mainframe Mines
                        Data Base
                        Terminal City

                        I found the list somewhere on a borg.txt file in my SMAC directory. No idea how it got there!
                        I shyly take credit for them - developed for a cyborg clone faction for the Forum wars series



                        • #13
                          and some of my favorites are found in the imagination of others in PBEMs.

                          One such is RedFred's Boring Spot in OKF3



                          • #14
                            Zvendy Gorodock - what does that mean?
                            To my knowledge, Zvedny Gorodok is a town in Russia whose main reason of existence is Science. Sort of Jülich or Rossendorf (for the German) or Grenoble (French). Unfortunately, the scientists in Zvedny Gorodok are paid by the state, so wages are between too low and non-existent. A sort of deserted Daresbury (for the English), if this is possible.

                            Sometimes I name bases after a defunct pactmate, the help for whom I organized too late . Morgan Memorial works well in a group of Morganic bases which I conquered from Miriam.

                            Isn't renaming conquered bases considered an atrocity, or close to?
                            Why doing it the easy way if it is possible to do it complicated?


                            • #15
                              Atrocity for renaming a base.

                              Only if done in bad taste

                              "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

                              “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter

