Attack Force Strength; 12 Units
3 Infantry - Highest Morale - Best Weapon - No armor
2 Attack Rovers- Best Weapon-No Armor
2 Armored Rovers - Best Armor - Deep Radar- Trance
1 Rover Artillery - Cheapest Weapon-No Armor
1 Infantry Artillery- Best Weapon -No Armor
1 Probe Team - unarmored-
2 Armored Garrison- Laser Weapon- Best Armor- ECM
The force moves forward towards the enemy base with the rover units scouting out ahead using their deep radar and trance special abililities. The attack Rovers attack anything that threatens the infantry units.
When you reach the target base- the infantry and armored units approach the base with the idea of attacking from the best square- a rocky square for example.
The Armored Deep Radar Rovers attempt to get behind the target base and use their Zone of control to block re-inforcements from reaching the base.
The infantry artillery unit stays with the infantry to protect from artillery attack and fires on the base defenders to weaken them.
The Probe team helps the armored rovers sneak through enemy zones of control, and is then used to protect the newly captured base from counter espionage.
The rover artillery has the mission of attempting to disable enemy sensors and roads or other valuable infrastructure-stacked with the armored rovers is best.
The attack rovers continue to defend the infantry by destroying any threats, and stand ready to finish off any base defenders the infantry doesnt kill first.
When the units are in position, the artillery fires first- then the infantry-then the rovers. Assuming the attack is successful, all the units enter the captured base to heal and await reinforcements.
Reinforcements should include police garrison units if social engineering makes that practical. A few supply crawlers to supply minerals to quickly rebuild needed base facilities. Also armored formers to repair combat damaged infrastructure.
3 Infantry - Highest Morale - Best Weapon - No armor
2 Attack Rovers- Best Weapon-No Armor
2 Armored Rovers - Best Armor - Deep Radar- Trance
1 Rover Artillery - Cheapest Weapon-No Armor
1 Infantry Artillery- Best Weapon -No Armor
1 Probe Team - unarmored-
2 Armored Garrison- Laser Weapon- Best Armor- ECM
The force moves forward towards the enemy base with the rover units scouting out ahead using their deep radar and trance special abililities. The attack Rovers attack anything that threatens the infantry units.
When you reach the target base- the infantry and armored units approach the base with the idea of attacking from the best square- a rocky square for example.
The Armored Deep Radar Rovers attempt to get behind the target base and use their Zone of control to block re-inforcements from reaching the base.
The infantry artillery unit stays with the infantry to protect from artillery attack and fires on the base defenders to weaken them.
The Probe team helps the armored rovers sneak through enemy zones of control, and is then used to protect the newly captured base from counter espionage.
The rover artillery has the mission of attempting to disable enemy sensors and roads or other valuable infrastructure-stacked with the armored rovers is best.
The attack rovers continue to defend the infantry by destroying any threats, and stand ready to finish off any base defenders the infantry doesnt kill first.
When the units are in position, the artillery fires first- then the infantry-then the rovers. Assuming the attack is successful, all the units enter the captured base to heal and await reinforcements.
Reinforcements should include police garrison units if social engineering makes that practical. A few supply crawlers to supply minerals to quickly rebuild needed base facilities. Also armored formers to repair combat damaged infrastructure.