All my observations deny the two rules reported there, thus also deny your statement that it works mostly like in CivII.
I don't know HOW it works, i.e. I can't answer to RF's million dollars question "Is there hard coding every step of the way for every faction a set of tech choices or is there a simple algorithim to determine what will be offered based on what the given faction has already? If it is the algorithim option, what is that algorithim?".
But I know that it DOES NOT work *that* way (CivII/oedo's).
If you prepare a scenario from scratch, without setting anything except the techs known to a certain faction, it has no history.
The tech offer always matches the tech offers observed in several different actually played SP & MP games, absolutely regardless of the history (i.e. how you got there, in which order, following which path) and the context (i.e. the conditions of the other factions and any other I could imagine).
I'll go with my method.
When I need to know it, I'll put up the simulation, and will hold it as bible.
This is useful if you are contracting to get a (human) player's next discovered tech in a trade (leapfrogging, or boosting an arretrated player to get from him the single one tech you're still missing).
You can preview whether he'll be offered something interesting to you too, and if after getting something from you in advance, he tells you he wasn't offered what you were expecting from him, you'll know that he's lying to you.
I don't know HOW it works, i.e. I can't answer to RF's million dollars question "Is there hard coding every step of the way for every faction a set of tech choices or is there a simple algorithim to determine what will be offered based on what the given faction has already? If it is the algorithim option, what is that algorithim?".
But I know that it DOES NOT work *that* way (CivII/oedo's).
If you prepare a scenario from scratch, without setting anything except the techs known to a certain faction, it has no history.
The tech offer always matches the tech offers observed in several different actually played SP & MP games, absolutely regardless of the history (i.e. how you got there, in which order, following which path) and the context (i.e. the conditions of the other factions and any other I could imagine).
I'll go with my method.
When I need to know it, I'll put up the simulation, and will hold it as bible.
This is useful if you are contracting to get a (human) player's next discovered tech in a trade (leapfrogging, or boosting an arretrated player to get from him the single one tech you're still missing).
You can preview whether he'll be offered something interesting to you too, and if after getting something from you in advance, he tells you he wasn't offered what you were expecting from him, you'll know that he's lying to you.