ive won conquest games with morgan on transcendence level, not even playong momentum style. use morgan's money wildly. his ability to buy almost any secret project, and still not be hurting for money is a big positive. ive raked in close to 5000 credits a turn before. one game i had all secret projects except merchant exchange, and still had about 7000 credits. i always play on most difficult level with morgan, go for conquests, playing builder unitl crawlers, then going hybrid for rest of game. have 40 or so drop probe teams and plain drop troops with orbital insertions and youve won. you really dont even need that many. i also never use a navy. i build about 20 sea bases, but none are attackable by naval bases. build inland seas with your formers, get good energy from tons of sea and coastal bases, and your economy will be overwhelming, as well as stable.
also something else. morgan can stock up a **** load of planet busters. make pacts with neighboors, transfer all pbs to outlying bases, break pact, about ten turns later your pbs will have took out every base. if atrocities have been lifted, then this will have no noticable, if not, you still dont have much to lose. always be the first in space as well, it helps.
so, one final thing before i go, all morgan players, unless they are going for econ win, need to run green, wealth, and whatever for future. i normally dont run anything for the first one. this nets me on average in early game, about 60 credits a turn, and 5-turn breakthroughs. which is more than enough if your not going for econ win. the -2 growth that comes with green doesnt seem to effect my game much, neither does the negative morale of wealth. also(sp games only now) not being able to pop-boom easily with morgan isnt much of a hindrance. even without golden ages, i normally have by end game 50+ average size 20 bases. may not sound like much compared to other factions, but believe me, size 20 is plenty-plenty enough for me to win conquests on transcendence with morgan-that was also with miriam, santiago, usurpers, zak, hive, deidre, as enemy factions. pretty good for morgan(money, money, money-its more valuable than most people think)
well damn i just cant stop. one last thing finally-
size 4 bases with morgan can be a blessing rather than a curse-the -5 police rate of free market is atrocious. which im sure if the normal size 7 base was applied then it would just get out of hand. morgan doesnt need commerce as much as people think, so(even though i dont think you can with -5 police)nerve-stapling is a must if your not running free market.
also something else. morgan can stock up a **** load of planet busters. make pacts with neighboors, transfer all pbs to outlying bases, break pact, about ten turns later your pbs will have took out every base. if atrocities have been lifted, then this will have no noticable, if not, you still dont have much to lose. always be the first in space as well, it helps.
so, one final thing before i go, all morgan players, unless they are going for econ win, need to run green, wealth, and whatever for future. i normally dont run anything for the first one. this nets me on average in early game, about 60 credits a turn, and 5-turn breakthroughs. which is more than enough if your not going for econ win. the -2 growth that comes with green doesnt seem to effect my game much, neither does the negative morale of wealth. also(sp games only now) not being able to pop-boom easily with morgan isnt much of a hindrance. even without golden ages, i normally have by end game 50+ average size 20 bases. may not sound like much compared to other factions, but believe me, size 20 is plenty-plenty enough for me to win conquests on transcendence with morgan-that was also with miriam, santiago, usurpers, zak, hive, deidre, as enemy factions. pretty good for morgan(money, money, money-its more valuable than most people think)
well damn i just cant stop. one last thing finally-
size 4 bases with morgan can be a blessing rather than a curse-the -5 police rate of free market is atrocious. which im sure if the normal size 7 base was applied then it would just get out of hand. morgan doesnt need commerce as much as people think, so(even though i dont think you can with -5 police)nerve-stapling is a must if your not running free market.