By SMAC2 I dont nessecarly mean a sequel to Alpha Centurai, but rather another Civ game out of the confines of Earth & history...
There really is plenty of room for within the SMAC story, like returning to earth (not bad) but also moving on to other planets. In particular I think it would be ultra nifty to be able to play on different types of planets, each having unqiue attributes (Earth type, Chiron type, Barren, Airless, Desert, Water world, Venusian, martian, etc) Terraforming options could be expanded dramatically, to include more stuff which effects the entire planet. So you could start with a completely barren world and terraform it into an earthlike paradise.
That'd be cool.
A potential storyline could be a land grab on a new planet, between different, competing mega-corporations... then things devolve and the fighting starts happening.
Really, there is no shortage of ideas for gameplay and plot ... the only thing which may be missing is a motive for firaxis to make the game...
There really is plenty of room for within the SMAC story, like returning to earth (not bad) but also moving on to other planets. In particular I think it would be ultra nifty to be able to play on different types of planets, each having unqiue attributes (Earth type, Chiron type, Barren, Airless, Desert, Water world, Venusian, martian, etc) Terraforming options could be expanded dramatically, to include more stuff which effects the entire planet. So you could start with a completely barren world and terraform it into an earthlike paradise.
That'd be cool.
A potential storyline could be a land grab on a new planet, between different, competing mega-corporations... then things devolve and the fighting starts happening.
Really, there is no shortage of ideas for gameplay and plot ... the only thing which may be missing is a motive for firaxis to make the game...