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FM and drones

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  • FM and drones

    la la la, another dumb question.

    what's the best way to go about running free market? i desperately want to run it, but i've never really had the guts to risk having all those millions of drones. i totally hate drone riots. do you prepare for it by getting the human genome project, building rec commons, etc. first?

    let's hear some techniques for running FM!

    drones to the left of me, spartans to the right - here i am, stuck in the middle with yang

  • #2
    Set psych to 10 or 20% depending on what you need and build some psych facilities.


    • #3
      depends on which faction your are. The PKs can go FM easily with just rec com. The Morgans probably needs Holo T also but they don't grow beyond size 4 easily so you don't need more beside that. Well I guess rec com and Holo T is the way to go for most factions. If you wanna go war then you need a base with punishment Sphere and rehome all your cleantroops there before attacking.

      There are threads about this you just need to find them. Trust me they are worth reading.
      It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


      • #4
        2 easey peasey words:

        Virtual World!!!
        ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
        ... Pain is an illusion...


        • #5
          PS: Don't forget to build the Network Nodes!
          ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
          ... Pain is an illusion...


          • #6
            Lots of ways to beat the drone problems

            - Specialist bases
            -- punishment spheres for offensive units
            -- psych allocation and facilities

            I thought FM was terrible the first time I tried it and all my bases riot but in most cases all you have to do is quell the drones that your police had pacified. I will admit that running a war with FM takes a bit more work but thats where a punishment sphere or an all-specialist base can really help. Rehome all your explorers/attackers to this base to avoid the "out of territory" drones.
            You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


            • #7
              Surviving and Thriving under FM

              This has all been said a million times before, but, here's another recap, written for Transcend level, so dampen the effects for other levels:

              1. the -5 Police is tough. This means no police effect from your troops, and it also means that if your boys leave your territory, you will get 2 'pacifist' drones per unit at their home base.

              A. Handling the Drones: Your first citizen shouldn't cause a drone, if you are within your beaurocracy limit (number of bases you can have before extra drones). Your second citizen in Transcend will cause a drone. You need a rec commons to handle him. Best off if you have rec-commons at all your bases before making the switch in the first place. With the rec in place you can theoretically have 3 working citizens at each base. With crawlers, even this size base is plenty for awhile.

              The Virtual World, combined with Network Nodes gives you 2 more 'free' citizens, and is equivalent to building Holo-theatres in all your bases. The Human Genome Project is also excellent in this regard. There are more SP's in the mid-late game that can help, but if you want to run FM, these are the 2 SP's to get if at all possible.

              B. Handling the Pacifist Drones: Don't take your military out of your territory. No wait, Don't Begin Your Turn with military out of your territory. There is a difference.

              "Yeah, but wait, how do I fight wars then?"

              "Three major methods here: Best, if you have crawlers: Take a base to 5 citizens, which will allow you to switch ALL of them to specialists. Don't bother making them Doctors or Empaths. Make them Engineers or Librarians. That base won't riot under any circumstances....but it will starve. So use the crawlers to crawl in food. Probably best to figure out the math before you even try this method. Now, re-home (Command-H) the military units you want to take out of your territory to this base. Voila, problem solved. Just remember that Military use Minerals, unless they have clean reactors."

              "Second Best: Build a Punishment Sphere somewhere. This hurts your research at that base, but there won't be drone problems, so use it like above."

              "Third Best: Actually, this is the very best and easiest...don't know why I list it last....Wage battles against bases, and only fight if you are going to win. Thus, your units (presumably air-power and/or drop troops for this to be the most fun and effective) leave your territory, kill the garrison of a neighboring base, move into the base, and extend your territory to include them...all in one turn. "

              Running FM is all about Drone Control. Use Psych allocation combined with the above to allow your bases to grow beyond even these as many psych enhancing facilities as you can. All-Specialist bases are extremely valuable for other reasons as well (do a search on the term to find out more). But remember, the major 'point' of FM is to achieve +2 economy in your bases, thus garnering +1 energy a square. If your game can't or isn't focused on energy and labs, FM is just a pain.

              2. Planet will be Pissed: The -2 Planet is no big help either. Be prepared for higher ecodamage from your bases, deadly encounters with any native life, and for the possibility that an enemy might use Psi-units to attack you with great facility. This is really secondary because you can prepare for it. Place clean (if possible) trance defenders in every base, and make a few empath attack units at the highest possible morale to fight off any native attacks.

              I know I forgot something, but there's a bit of help. FM is a great choice, and as you get used to it you'll find that you will want to run it for most of the game if possible. Experience will tell you how to think far ahead for making the switch to, how to get a specialist base set up, which wars are going to be possible, and when to switch out of FM for 'pop-booming'. Good luck!

              Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


              • #8
                At one point I played a game as the Hive, with FM and every police enhancing SE/Project I could get. It was fairly amusing, because in the end I had something like +4 police.

                *end random anecdote*

                Listen to Smack.
                "Remember, there's good stuff in American culture, too. It's just that by "good stuff" we mean "attacking the French," and Germany's been doing that for ages now, so, well, where does that leave us?" - Elok


                • #9
                  Constant nerve stapling.


                  • #10
                    It's tough to maintain a permanent *offensive* air combat capability [strike needlejets/strike copters/missiles/locusts] under FM in the early to mid-game - unless you are willing to do something like the Punisphere technique described in another message. However, you can have as many *defensive* air combat units as you want without causing pacifist drones. Just add the (air-to-air) combat capability to your needlejest and chopper designs. They will have shorter range and are less effective against ground and sea targets than the strike versions of the aircraft designs - though they can still wreak havoc on soft targets like incoming transports.

                    I play Morgan [FM/Wealth] a lot and I tend to make use of *mercenary* strike air combat forces whenever I need to attack outside my territorial boundaries. Caveat: I am nowhere near as aggressive as most players. i will normally drop the pursuit the moment I have driven the attackers from my territory. If you feel compelled to 'roll-up' your enemies, you should avoid the merc technique.

                    The merc strike air force technique goes as follows:

                    1> Place several bases on infinite air strike unit production
                    2> Attack with the strike aircraft the same turn they are built
                    3> If a strike unit gets destroyed, fine - send another one to finish off the target
                    4> If the strike air unit is victorious, repatriate [SHIFT+D] the merc air crews immediately. Chopper crews only after you have made multiple attacks, of course. Don't even waste time returning damaged attack air units to base. It's quicker to build a new one.
                    5> In either case 3 or 4, the pacifist drones in the building base disappear instantly before they can cause the base to revolt
                    6> Once the enemy attack has been repulsed, switch all bases back to immediate infrastructure production and repatriate all merc air attack units.

                    Most people probably find this a horrid waste of resources, but believe me, it's not a problem on FM/Wealth in the later stages of the game against the AI. You will easily repulse any incoming attacks - even by multiple AI factions. Do try to get the combat morale boosting facilities and SPs as soon as possible, as you will need those morale bonuses. Also, always keep a decent defensive air combat capability as a permanent air force to blunt that first incoming wave of attackers.

                    If I must maintain a strike air unit for more than a turn or two, I will typically switch the pacifist drones in the affected base [less than size 10] to specialists. This requires that you have boreholes, condensors and supply crawlers up and running. Keep the base's mineral production positive with crawlers. Let the nutrient production go negative for a couple of turns if necessary.

                    Once a base reaches double digit population levels you can actually maintain a couple of permanent offensive air combat units [i.e. planet busters] without ever worrying about losing bases to drone revolts. Just let the pacifist drones protest to their hearts content. The base will need a couple of psych specilaists to neutralize the drones and the necessary advanced terraforming and crawlers to make up for any resource shortfalls - min/nuts both positive.

                    If you go to FM before you finish exploring, you can use tranports and probes as ad hoc exploration teams. They won't cause drones when they leave your territory.

                    - Scipio
                    Delende est Ashcrofto


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by uncle_funk
                      Constant nerve stapling.
                      *points at the dumb Swede and laughs*

                      You can't nerve staple drones under FM!

                      The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.
                      -H. L. Mencken


                      • #12
                        crawl nuts, and specialists!
                        Team 'Poly


                        • #13
                          Altough the specialist base is generally better than a PS, since I stopped using crawlers (terrible unbalanced things they are...) I've used PS's a few times, usually in captured bases.

                          Sure the base doesn't produce much Lab, so I only build energy enhancers, and put Engineers to work. (So I'm really only losing 1/5th of the energy produced by each engineer)

                          PS bases tend to grow quickly and work a maximum of tiles, because you dont need specialists for drone control. This makes them really rather good at cranking out military. And they are less vunerable to mind control.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Blake
                            ...since I stopped using crawlers (terrible unbalanced things they are...)
                            You mean in SP right? Not in MP?

                            You should have played in our recently completed no-crawlers challenge game where a group of us took turns playing University without building any crawlers. We transcended in MY 2430 or so, but what a struggle it was. Yang was way ahead of us when we became one with the fungus...

                            I [plan to] do many things different when playing MP as opposed to SP [I haven't actually made it to Doc:AP in any MP game yet].

                            PS bases tend to grow quickly and work a maximum of tiles, because you dont need specialists for drone control. This makes them really rather good at cranking out military. And they are less vunerable to mind control.
                            I will try to rmember to build a Punisphere [or two] in my next SP game.

                            - Scipio
                            Delende est Ashcrofto


                            • #15
                              One thing I use to fight offensive wars while running Free Market is the Ascetic Virtues. It takes your police rating from -5 (2 drones/unit) to -4 (1 drone/unit). Coupled with 20% psych and holo theatres, I find each large base can easily support one or two drone-producing units.

                              I also use punishment spheres, of course. My record is 10 of them in a game as Marr

