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A Clockwork Lemon

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  • A Clockwork Lemon

    Been thinking about a challenge with a similar set-up to the DT challenge series: 2 players, large islands, no AI etc. However the goals for each player would be unknown to the other & would be different and each player would have a set of specific tasks/prohibitions. These would not necessarily make sense.

    ie. You may not plant forests/you may only plant forests.
    You may not build SP's that start with the first 8 letters of the alphabet.
    You must destroy a base every 50 turns.
    You may not use any advanced SE choices
    You may not rush any units
    or something like that. (maybe I should quit now and go to bed....)

    One players goal could be to: build 13 bases, construct a sensor on every land tile, capture 3 MW's, build a chopper colony pod and found a base on their opponant's island that grows to size 3.

    Player two's goal could be to: construct a network node, energy bank and command centre in every base, to build 11 seaformers which have been placed on full automatic, to mindprobe 3 of their opponants bases, and have control of the neural amplifier.

    As each condition has been met it the save could be sent to the CMN for verification.

    {Well it seemed like a good idea at the time!}
    If you want to kiss the sky/Better learn how to kneel/On your knees boy - U2, Mysterious Ways

  • #2
    Does this mark the end of Alpha Centauri's golden age?

    But really, this isn't a bad idea- fun stuff


    • #3
      Sounds bizzare, I like it


      • #4
        Finally the toy doesn't provide anymore fun although one still loves it too much. What to do? Inventing new ways to play with it!
        Is this madness or just childish?

        ohh and count me in
        It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


        • #5
          Hobbes - for goodness' sake, go to bed

          I like the concept though - I'm just a bit concerned about the interests of balance. If the two players' goals are different, that's going to create all sorts of problems...

          For instance, in your above example, it can be argued that player 1's goal is far, far easier than player 2's. Sensor on every land tile? No problemo - hordes of formers along with forest and forget will do the trick. Chopper CP? Not a problem either - build the PTS and voila! - your base is size 3. (Where did you get that idea from, I wonder? ) 3 mind worms? Go green, and go pod popping at sea.

          If the list of goals were verified as balanced by a neutral CMN....well, that would certainly solve that little niggle. Overall, a great concept - if a little bizarre
          We're back!


          • #6
            Something of a variant Vel had a couple of years ago, based loosely on the Diplomacy game. Each faction ahd a single objective, unknown to the others, to win: (e.g. the Gaians must capture the base that the Hive builds the Command Nexus in - no other faction can build the CN; the Uni must build the first locust; Morgan builds a size 15 base, but cant grow with colony pod "builds" in that base, etc etc)

            A game did get started, but only lasted some 15 turns or so before a defection - and in those early days we weren't CMN'ing it with saved passwords or anything.

            While you can't use the scenario editor to set different general objectives/winning conditions for different factions, you can tweak it so that a faction's particular base becomes an objective to capture, or a specific unit. But these would be objectives for all other factions (although you could set say, three to defend objective and 3 to attack - or set it up as Multiplay where each faction has a base - not necessarily the HQ - that's an objective for the others to get)

            Also, of course, you couldn't put off-limits every SP starting with a to h, but you could individually disable them as "destroyed" through the editor, thus achieving the same purpose.



            • #7
              Re: A Clockwork Lemon

              Originally posted by H0bbes
              You may not build SP's that start with the first 8 letters of the alphabet
              well they all start with T anyway

              Originally posted by H0bbes
              Player two's goal could be to: construct a network node, energy bank and command centre in every base, to build 11 seaformers which have been placed on full automatic, to mindprobe 3 of their opponants bases, and have control of the neural amplifier.
              could you just be the UoP, and build the command nexus and Planetary energy grid?

              what about each player has to win by different means? example yang can only win economic and gaia can only win by conquest. or the believers can only transcend. this way would need to have AI though, but you wouldn't need to do too much scenario editing other than the map. all you have to do is pull a victory out of a hat and say: "ok your victory is diplomatic, yours is conquest etc"

              good idea? doesnt really matter if it isn't i just thought it up writing this post...


              • #8
                OT- used up toys

                Originally posted by knowhow2
                Finally the toy doesn't provide anymore fun although one still loves it too much. What to do? Inventing new ways to play with it!
                You don't even know all the kewl new stuff I did with my Transformers after I turned 12 years old. Oh those were the days! I could make two new transformers/vehicles/space stations with the parts I extracted. :sigh:


                • #9
                  Re: OT- used up toys

                  Originally posted by Anunikoba

                  You don't even know all the kewl new stuff I did with my Transformers after I turned 12 years old. Oh those were the days! I could make two new transformers/vehicles/space stations with the parts I extracted. :sigh:

                  All my Star wars action figures turned into tennisplayers (13-15), imagined Luke as a young Edberg or Han Solo Mats Wilander and Darth Vader was Ivan Lendle
                  It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                  • #10
                    I like it - it's like a ridiculously silly version of Risk! You'd have to ensure neutral conditions though - maybe a points value scheme is in order?

                    I like Vel's version a lot though. If I had more time, I'd be quite willing to play it.
                    The church is the only organisation that exists for the benefit of its non-members
                    Buy your very own 4-dimensional, non-orientable, 1-sided, zero-edged, zero-volume, genus 1 manifold immersed in 3-space!
                    All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his.
                    "They offer us some, but we have no place to store a mullet." - Chegitz Guevara


                    • #11
                      Ahhh yes! I remember that game! A pity she died off before ever really getting started! Good concept, and one I would love to see put in practice....I think it would make for some staggering game play!

                      What I had done in the variant that Brother Googlie outlined was make a bunch of index cards for each faction, and on those cards, wrote down missions that sorta "fit" with that faction's belief system....sometimes, of course, the stated missions fit with an "extreme version" of that faction, but they were all more or less aligned. Some particular examples I remember are below:

                      Peace Keepers: Your goal is to ensure that all factions remain in the game until the very end. You win by default if no one has transcended by the normal game's end, and all factions are still around.

                      Gaian (season of the Witch): Your goal is to utterly eradicate the Believing faction, and any other faction that uses a PB on Chiron.

                      Morgan: You win by default if, at any point you have 750,000 EC banked.

                      Stuff like that.

             design, some objectives put players in opposition with each other (in this case, the PK/Gaians would almost certainly have to come to blows as they each went about satisfying their victory conditions).

                      Also, each time a successful probe action is conducted against a faction, the CN gives some clue to that player as to what the probed faction's "secret mission" this way, as the game grinds on, players become more and more aware of what everyone is trying to accomplish, and the game gets more and more tense.

                      Also, it would lead to some really radical strategies sometimes (I could see the Morganite player being the ultimate turtle, hoarding his cash and stocking 5-6 probes in every base to prevent anyone from finding out his secret victory condition).

                      And of course, you don't have to win via your secret victory've also got to worry about someone transcending and stealing the game from you....

                      The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                      • #12
                        Also, of course, you couldn't put off-limits every SP starting with a to h, but you could individually disable them as "destroyed" through the editor, thus achieving the same purpose. - Googlie
                        Actually you could set their prerequisite tech to Disable in the alpha.txt easily...just thought I'd point it out.

                        Also, each time a successful probe action is conducted against a faction, the CN gives some clue to that player as to what the probed faction's "secret mission" this way, as the game grinds on, players become more and more aware of what everyone is trying to accomplish, and the game gets more and more tense. - Vel
                        It would be fairly simple to set the descriptions for 7 'user-techs' to actually say the objectives for the 7 factions. You then modify the 7 factions to start with that tech and otherwise, it has no prerequisite...noone can research it. Thus, you can steal the objectives from another faction, or perhaps trade your own for a tech if you are desparate. The AI would not handle it well, trading it off, but then again, there wouldn't be an AI in this kind of game I don't imagine..or if there were, they wouldn't have secret objectives.

                        Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Velociryx

                          Peace Keepers: Your goal is to ensure that all factions remain in the game until the very end. You win by default if no one has transcended by the normal game's end, and all factions are still around.
                          That must have been a real bar-steward to win. You have to keep all players in the game, but stop anyone from transcending? (Except presumably yourslef). That sounds like a tough call.

                          It would be fairly simple to set the descriptions for 7 'user-techs' to actually say the objectives for the 7 factions. You then modify the 7 factions to start with that tech and otherwise, it has no prerequisite...noone can research it. Thus, you can steal the objectives from another faction, or perhaps trade your own for a tech if you are desparate.

                          I like this - but as well as being able to steal another faction's objective (and note - it would happen at random each time you probed), there would also be a chance you could probe faction B's objective from faction A if faction A had already got it by some means. This may not be desirable, but it couldn't be helped, unfortunately.
                          The church is the only organisation that exists for the benefit of its non-members
                          Buy your very own 4-dimensional, non-orientable, 1-sided, zero-edged, zero-volume, genus 1 manifold immersed in 3-space!
                          All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his.
                          "They offer us some, but we have no place to store a mullet." - Chegitz Guevara


                          • #14
                            Chowlett: Yeppers! That was the Caddy of all missions....a very fine balancing act....o'course, asking a human Gaian player with the Morale hit to utterly toast a good human Believer....OUCH!

                            And yes! I love the idea of assigning "secret missions" to certain techs! That would make for a MOST interesting dilemma! Do you research the next generation of weapons, or try and figure out what the opposition is really up to?

                            And I also kinna like the idea of stealing "state secrets" for faction A from faction B....adds an interesting twist to things!

                            One intriguing thing then, would be to have a really abbreviated tech tree, lumping several advances into a few key techs, and creating a goodish number of "empty" techs at various points in the tree.

                            These empty techs could have all manner of hints and clues (which would start out pretty vague on low level techs, and get increasingly specific with higher level techs), as to what various members of the opposition were up to.


                            The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                            • #15
                              there would also be a chance you could probe faction B's objective from faction A if faction A had already got it by some means. This may not be desirable, but it couldn't be helped, unfortunately.
                              True, but this could be considered a 'feature' hehe . I was thinking along the lines of say
                              #78 (was User Tech 01) Morganic Planning Dossier: TOP SECRET!
                              (no effects, no stats, no = disable)

                              Techshorts.txt #78: Morganic Planning Dossier: Take control of central Volcanic Islands at all Costs!

                              Techlongs.txt #78: In the early years of colonization it was determined by forward intelligence that the central Volcanic isles harbored underground energy resources of nearly infinite proportions. Morgan Strategists quickly devised a plan by which capture of these islands or submission of native inhabitants would yeild them such an economic edge that they could simply buy off the other governments of Chiron. Your mission is to take and HOLD these islands for 15 years, during which time our deep-core borehole operations will yeild the energy necessary for a 'hostile takeover' of the planet. You must have 4 boreholes on these islands to qualify for victory....

                              And then there's the Blurbs.txt, so it could be quite a longish dissertation.

                              On the other hand, if each 'State Secret' (good name for it Vel) was generic, a person wouldn't know if they'd stolen the original, or a copy of a distant factions objectives. That could be very interesting. The names for the secrets could be State Secret #1, #2, etc., and it would be easy for a CMN to pick 7 from a list of say 20 possible and insert them into the alpha.txt.

                              One intriguing thing then, would be to have a really abbreviated tech tree, lumping several advances into a few key techs, and creating a goodish number of "empty" techs at various points in the tree. - Vel
                              Indeed, you could do that. For SMAX you'd probably have to as there are very few free 'User Tech' type slots available. In SMAC, I think there are 7-9 or so, if you include the 2 gaps in the original #'s.

                              The question though is, can the objectives be complex enough to warrant more than a single 'hint'?

                              Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb

