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Do You Take SMAC/SMAX Personally?

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  • Do You Take SMAC/SMAX Personally?

    Do you get mad when Yang comes from nowhere and takes out a former with his Needlejet. Even though the former is old and working on a relitivly minor task.

    Do you get enraged when Lal calls you for the hundreth time asking for help against Santiago who has no problem with you at the moment. And then he has the gaul to question your political views.

    Do you get upset when your submissive who has two bases left picks a fight with Yang who has about 30 bases.

    Do you get incensed when Roze talks sweet to you one year and the next a probe team sneeks up and takes a peek at your labs.

    Do you ever just freak out when your invading army gets ambushed by mindworms.

    Do you ever just stare at the screen in disbelief as a meteor strikes your HQ with all your important special projects.

    Have you ever referred to Miriam as "That b1tch to the north"

    Have you ever pounded the desk when a sea colonly shows up next to one of your shore bases. Or when that little ***** Morgan crowds your rightful territory.

    I do all of these things.
    Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh

  • #2
    I feel you brother, trust me. Last week I switched to Thought Control early just so I could pick a fight with the Cyborgs, who had bitten off most of my ocean heartland (I was the Pirates) with strategically placed deep-water settlements.
    Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


    • #3
      I think "taking SMAC personally" is the main reason SMAC is such a great game, the faction leaders are very easy to like or loathe. It is very hard to build up any emotion in a game with no Leaders *cough* CTP2 *cough*, lack of enjoyable diplomacy was CTP2's #1 failing.

      I'm very much looking forward to the new civ leaders in Civ3. Lets hope the diplomatic and polotical enviroment in Civ3 is as rich as SMAC's (this could be difficult without SE & ideology...).


      • #4
        I just hate it when I can't run planned because both Morgan and Gaians (the two most powerful factions at that time) will hate me!

        Oh yeah, and Miriam and Yang . They just p*ss me off when I start trying to play a builder game and they land right next to me, with Impact squads and Rovers!
        ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
        ... Pain is an illusion...


        • #5
          In response to the title: YES!

          Ugh! I have detested all of the faction leaders at one time or another. Miriam and her hateful fanaticism, Santiago and her seething revulsion for anyone with better tech than her, Lal with his 'holier-and-definitely-better-than-you' attitude, Morgan and his 'I will crush you like a bug' when he has like 2 bases left, Deirdre and her 'my Environmental Police will enjoy destroying you', Yang and his pure sheer hatred and aggression, and last but not least Zak with his 'oh don't hurt me, i'm just a harmless researcher'.

          Even the later SMAX factions did little to improve on that. Sven steals the entire ocean and then expects you to put up with him, Domai expands like heck and then wonders why everyone hates him, the Fungboy throws mindworms at you the second he meets you, Roze sucks up and then probes your a$$ to heck and back, and the aliens just end up dragging you into their totally pointless war. It seems to me Aki is the only one I haven't hated in one game or another - and since I normally play as her, it doesn't give me much chance to play against her! Maybe I should just have a 7-Aki game...
          "Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman


          • #6
            oh you forgot the "i wouldn't want the planetary transit system to fall into your hands" coming from a pactmate.


            • #7
              Yes, yes, yes.

              Those AIs are annoying me so much... they're damned lucky that the U.N. charter is still up. *builds another 30 PBs*
              oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


              • #8
                I second anything that has been said in this thread! Really, Whenever I see Miriams ugly face popping up on my screen I'm having acute stomach cramps. Not that that matters of course, that makes it all the more satisfying when I *ahem* 'redecorate' her continent.


                • #9
                  Do I take it personally?
                  Of course I do

                  "You killed my innocent little colony pod? That's it! You die, b1tch!"


                  • #10
                    I take it personally all the time, esp. with Miriam, that &#@%!+ b1tch!

                    I remember a game where I was playing builder, trying to be nice with everyone, and I was not expanding, I was mostly confined to my own continent (oh, and I was Zak).

                    Miriam was on another continent, and we were separated by a few ocean squares. But we met since the beginning, and I managed to be her pact brother (and this was strange, because she usually hates Zak). A few turns later (five, to be more accurate) she deployed four impact rovers and one laser squad on my continent, next to one of my most productive bases. Fortunately, I had been preparing myself to that, so I managed to get her force wiped out. But I hated her so much for that, I changed from builder to hybrid and then to momentum, chasing her and fighting her till the end of the game. When I aimed victory by transcendence, it was too late - Yang had grown to really huge proportions and started to threat me. So I had to kill him too. Ended the game by conquering all factions, but with a deep grief on my heart and I hated Miriam thoroughly, she was the main responsible for that bloodbath! But it was fun...
                    I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


                    • #11
                      Yes, especially my MP games.


                      • #12
                        I absolutely take it personally! That one reason its so much fun! I enjoy being the peacful researcher (Zak, of course), while also spending time playing the peacekeeper in the world (since Lal always fails so miserably). Of course I tend to get a little upset when the factions I just got to stop fighting ally not even ten years later to stop the 'unethical university'.

                        Unethical. Sheesh.

                        Ah well...submissives are easier to keep the peace with, anyway...

                        I feel you brother, trust me.
                        *...edges away from Mr. President...*
                        No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


                        • #13
                          Although I don't take it quite as personally as my usual hot seat partner, who gets huffy when I attack his bases


                          • #14
                            LOL! yup

                            i hate it when the worms come calling before you even have your garrison unit built.

                            i hate it when svensgaard build his dumb sea bases all around your country.

                            i hate it how everybody else wanders around your territory like they own the place, then as soon as your scout patrol sets FOOT in their area to explore, they call you up all pissed off.

                            i hate it when your loyal allies for the last couple of hundred years decide to combine forces and launch a surprise attack on you.

                            i hate it when someone who has a grand total of 2 bases declares vendetta on anyone else. how stupid can you be?

                            i hate it when the other factions demand techs and offer nothing in return. then when you offer to TRADE techs, they laugh at you and say no.

                            i hate it when they shoot down my formers, destroy my nice forests and probe my techs.

                            i hate it when an isle of the deep shows up, disembarks some mind worms, you deal with them, then realize that they have a spore launcher sitting there on the IoD blasting away at your fams and roads. and you don't even have doctrine: flex yet so you can do anything about it.

                            i hate it when the AI sends gimpy troops over to your land to try and fight you. you feel bad. it's like shooting puppies.

                            i hate it when your closest neighbor who you've been pals with the whole time votes for the other guy instead of you.

                            i hate it when, before you even have a conversation with them, someone randomly declares war on you.

                            i hate it when the AI just won't give up. come on, dude, i'm tired of fighting you, i've taken over all the bases i wanted, your troops suck, you're down to only a few bases and you're gonna lose anyway. just surrender!!!

                            i hate it when someone tries to get you to become their pact sister just so you can go fight their enemy. like i'm risking my troops to help YOU.

                            i hate it when you and your pact buddy are both fighting yang, then yang calls to try and get you to switch sides. hello. you're my mortal enemy, we've been at it for years and years, and you want me to stab my best friend in the back. sounds great!

                            LOL, this game rules. actually, the above are all things i LIKE about the game because they make it more interesting, fun and challenging.

                            oh, and HOW funny is it when one of the aliens accuses you of deception by saying "human idiom: liar liar pants on fire"???

                            drones to the left of me, spartans to the right - here i am, stuck in the middle with yang


                            • #15
                              haha the aliens are funny guys. when roze asks for a treaty the "no" response is "treaty: for friends. chic: irrelevent. answer: no"

                              or 500 energy for industrial base "price: rediculous!"

                              not that i ever play the aliens. this is a custom faction from the netnode

