Hi all you Smacers, I summon you on a very sad (or very happy, whichever
) note: Lady Deidre of the Gaians and the b*tch from the Outlaws (The Non-Complicity Front fromSmack's Aldeb mod) have united together and Planetbustered my Capital!!!
I had most of my secret projects in there! Never mind, I still had 10 PBs of my own, on the outskirts of my territory, waiting for the UN Charter to be repelled
. Eventually I PB'd the hell out of both of them but...
I had VW, HGP, ME, SC, ToE, EG and NB in there! After having massive drone riots, I eventually re-took control over the game. Whenever I contacted them I got messages like "Ah, Sir Lindly, the ... (I forgot the adjective they used). I see you have been up to your green fantasies but are you ready to face your old enemy, Lady Deidre of the mighty Gaians, once again?"

I had most of my secret projects in there! Never mind, I still had 10 PBs of my own, on the outskirts of my territory, waiting for the UN Charter to be repelled

I had VW, HGP, ME, SC, ToE, EG and NB in there! After having massive drone riots, I eventually re-took control over the game. Whenever I contacted them I got messages like "Ah, Sir Lindly, the ... (I forgot the adjective they used). I see you have been up to your green fantasies but are you ready to face your old enemy, Lady Deidre of the mighty Gaians, once again?"
