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HELP!!What exactly is blind research???

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  • HELP!!What exactly is blind research???

    Is it actually possible to pinpoint the exact tech u wanna research ? I mean is there like some way to turn off blind research in preferences or smthing or does blind research simply mean checking all four research categores?
    ..Thanks in advance....

  • #2
    on the rule screen, click on cutomize rules, then uncheck the blind research and there you go.


    • #3
      You'll read in the forum posts occasionally about some player playing "double-blind" - that's what you described in the first post - check "blind research" in the customize rules menu choice, then under the game screen check all four research options - makes for interesting games as sometimes you have to wait 100 years for doc flex and you are on an island, or ind auto, etc



      • #4
        how does that make for an interesting game? you get bored to death before that....


        • #5
          Interesting in its unpredictability - and increased challenge. You have to constantly re-invent your strategy - can't do beelines for restriction-lifting or crawlers, etc

          Most veterans are playing mainly PBEMs now, but when they do turn to SP games, wouldn't find directed research very satisfying - just too easy to win.



          • #6
            how does that make for an interesting game? you get bored to death before that. -Coffee
            [Edit's out his rude response]

            Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


            • #7
              When I play SP I either play double blind research (select non-directed research during game setup, and then all of the research goals - explore, conquer, discover, build) or blind research with the research goal pertinently on my faction's goal. For instance, Morgan would select only Build, and Santiago only Discover and Conquer.

              Double blind research is fun since, as Googlie mentioned, it adds challenge to the game due to its unpredictability. I've characterized it as cashing in an alien artifact - a tech lotto. This means tech B-lines are out, and that you have to work harder to get critical technologies. It also makes AI diplomacy more critical since you may have to beg/borrow/steal tech that they have and that you desperately need. Can you imaging going 150 years before getting Environmental Economics, or a 100 years before impact? If the AI refuses to trade with you, and you are in an unfortunate position, then you just may be stewed.

              The second is a version of double blind, but it is more role-playing since you are following your faction's natural goals. This can lead to some spectacular advancement in some areas research lines, but abject poverty in others. For instance, in a game I played a while ago as the Gaians I discovered Centauri Empathy (with the Empath Guild), but I hadn't discovered even Applied Physics (attack 2) or Industrial Base (synthmetal armor). Needless to say, I felt very uncomfortable having almost no attack or defensive ability, besides my few mindworms that were roaming around. I hadn't even met anyone yet since I was playing on DilithiumDad's Huge Map of Planet. My solution? Build the Empath Guild ASAP by cashing in artifacts and kiss up to the other semi-friendly factions for their tech. I was very vulnerable for 70 years since I knew I'd be toast if anyone showed up, and it made me work harder.



              • #8
                Originally posted by Smack

                [Edit's out his rude response]

                hey! how's that rude?


                • #9
                  Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                  • #10

                    I've also enjoyed the fixed/blind variation you referred to as role-playing. I've usually selected build/discover to bias the selection toward depriving myself of many of the techs I would otherwise have selected. I started out with the idea of being a "trading" faction but it often ended up with a smart/powerful AI Dierdre and a "survival" test with one of the aggressive factions like the Spartans, who seemed to always pop up demanding tech rather than trading for it; had some interesting and longrunning games with that approach.

                    IMhO, the basic (non-directed, change category whenever you want) setup is very underrated, at least viz-a-viz SP. It provides a level of realism while still providing a measure of control. It is not suited to people who are trying to set challenge records or find optimal paths to things, but it leads to more diverse experiences. I can see why MP players could find it unfair at times, but perhaps if the category preferences were more heavilyl biased (so that you got a tech in the category you were asking for 80 or more percent of the time) it might be less objectionable. Perhaps it is possible to adjust the tech parameters to do this; I don't know personally, but I expect that someone here knows whether or such a tweak is possible.


                    • #11
                      It is possible to tweak the actual techs and funnel them. However, I've heard that some players can already manipulate the Conquer/Discover/Build/Grow buttons each tech to give them great chances of getting the tech they want, if it would be available in non-directed research.

                      Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb

