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SP- who should they really go to?

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  • SP- who should they really go to?

    Hmm, I think this may have been done before, but (I'm bored):

    Ascetic Virtues- Morgan
    Bulk Matter Transport- Domai
    Citizen's Defense Force- Lal (redundant for Yang; show of democracy), but then again, Santiago's warrior citizens would...
    Clinical Immortality- Morgan (who else could afford this?)
    Cloning Vats- Yang
    Command Nexus- Santiago
    Cyborg Factory- duh?
    Dream Twister- Cha
    Empath Guild- Deirdre
    Human Genome Project- Zak
    Hunter-Seeker Algorithm- Roze
    Living Refinery- Cyborgs
    Longevity Vaccine- Morgan
    Maritime Control Center- Pirates
    Merchant Exchange- Morgan
    Nano Factory- the effect of this SP would be most suited to Santiago, but only Zak or the Cyborgs would create it (most likely)
    Network Backbone- Zak
    Neural Amplifier- Cha
    Pholus Mutagen- Cha
    Planetary Datalinks- Miriam would be suited to this SP due to her inability to compete with other factions in the research department, though it really sounds more like something Roze or Lal would come up with; but for Roze this would be redundant
    Planetary Transit System- Lal most likely
    Self-Aware Colony- Cyborgs
    Singularity Inductor- Zak or Cyborgs
    Space Elevator- Morgan
    Supercollider- Zak
    Telepathic Matrix- Roze would love to have this, for certain; but the Gains and Cha have an affinity for Psi
    Theory of Everything- Zak
    Universal Translator- Zak, but probably sponsored by Lal
    Virtual World- Zak, but the rights for it would be sold to Nintendo or Sony
    Weather Paradigm- Lal
    Xenoempathy Dome- Cha
    Cloudbase Academy- Santiago

  • #2
    I deliberately left out Manifold Harmonics because, truly, who has the insight and mental ability to understand the powers of the manifolds besides the Progenitors?


    • #3
      thread for the bored, hmmm? well I'm bored...

      Planetary Energy Grid- Morgan, I guess, or one of the proggies.

      I disagree on the WP, the WP stands for destruction of the fungus and paving the planet with a seething mass of boreholes, mines, farms and condensors.
      The peacekeepers are all too nice (nice to planetmind, that is) to tolerate this sort of business.

      Weather Paradigm- Yang, he's the type of guy which would much sooner control the enviroment than adapt to it.

      Actually, an interesting question is: what effect should the WP have? I dont see how it would improve times for all terraforming. Increased productivity from farms (or increased rainfall around the base), and the ability to construct cheaper condensors earlier would be more appropriate.


      • #4
        Planetary Datalinks seems more Zak than Miriam. Her distrust of knowledge would seem to put her at odds with it. And Ascetic Virtues seems more fitted to Yang than Morgan and his luxurious lifestyle.

        Other than those two, the list seems more geared towards "what's consistent with the factions" rather than "what would be most helpful to the factions." Very interesting!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Anunikoba
          I deliberately left out Manifold Harmonics because, truly, who has the insight and mental ability to understand the powers of the manifolds besides the Progenitors?
          I should think most probably Gaians - think that they already have +1 Nutrient in fungus from start!
          ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
          ... Pain is an illusion...


          • #6
            The Manifold Harmonics is a tough call, and really the Progenitor factions would be the ones to first be able to utilize this SP. I do agree that Deirdre, and also Cha, would be very interested in this particular SP so they may understand the Planet Conciousness more; but so would Zak and the Cyborgs for it's reverse engineering potential; Morgan would love to exploit it's economic potentials; Miriam would use it as a gateway to draw closer to God; Lal would see it as a symbol of unification... etc...

            In a way, it is the Holy Grail of SPs- maybe not so much in game terms, but it's underlying power (according to the story) is untapped, and is itself the root of the power behind Planet. It's full power is only realised in those other two great SPs- the Voice of Planet, and the Ascent to Transcendence. I see all three of these SPs as part of the same discovery.

            Ahh, who am I kidding, I am full of crap! lol


            • #7
              I think the Cult would be the most likely to get the WP. If you reread the faction desription, they revere planet but have no problem polluting and remake it into their image.
              Fitz. (n.) Old English
              1. Child born out of wedlock.
              2. Bastard.


              • #8
                hmm cyborg factory... you put duh but they are already cyborgs! why do they need more? seems like something the drones or yang would do. plus you left out the nethack terminus but that is obviously roze. (but possibly even lal with his free flow of information crap.) and the ascentic virtues is probably the most anti-morgan project there is, even though it benefits him most .

                the planet transit seems like a morganish thing though. but where do these 2 pop points magically come from? this project comes before the cloning vats.


                • #9
                  I would give the Cyborg factory to Mr Yang, because the tendency to make genejack factories (just a guess, but Yang narrates the first completion of genejacks IIRC). The cyborgic augumentations fits to Yangs ideology like a hand into the glove.
                  I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


                  • #10
                    Just a quick note - in the blurbs.txt (or somesuch other text file) it points to Foreman Domai having the Cloudbase, rather than Santiago.
                    We're back!


                    • #11
                      It seems to me that the narrator for a project's video is usually the leader who's "supposed" to get it. For instance, the Cloudbase Academy has a Domai voiceover, and the quote is from a "Cadet Induction Ceremony" - presumably at the new Academy. Even when it's not a leader who narrates it as such, there are often clues. The Ascent To Transcendence blurb is spoken by Planet, but it comes from Deirdre Skye's "Conversations With Planet". The Clinical Immortality video has always looked to me like it is set in a Morganic city.

                      That's not to say that there aren't neutral projects. Clinical Immortality, despite the video, is actually very neutral. So are the Dream Twister (it refers to a Spartan base, but it doesn't imply that they built it), the Hunter-Seeker Algorithm, the Weather Paradigm (the Gaian Acolyte's Prayer may or may not have anything to do with the Paradigm; it may only be relevant in that both symbolize harmony with nature), and even the Voice of Planet (Zakharov narrates it, but he never says he was the sole force behind the operation. He also refers to "our last-ditch attempt to save mankind from extinction", not "my"). You could imagine the Gaians and possibly the Morganites and/or the Peacekeepers collaborating with him on the Voice.
                      Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                      • #12
                        Mr P,
                        you do realize that they made most of the videos before SMACX so the vidoes made for SMAC didn't have the SMACX factions in mind. And when they made the new ones for SMACX I think they just put the SMACX factions there so they can be on some videos too. Besides Cha Dawn is the one talking in Planetary Enegry Grid, do you really think he's the one suppose the get it?
                        It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.

