But I find it pretty easy to run FM as far as the SMAC dynamic goes. There are just too many ways around the pacifist drone. Often the only time I start a turn with my units out of my territory is when a Vassal state gifts me their units on the way to battle.
I like the litmus test for imperialism/isolationism..perhaps we could think of a few more. From the data you could make a sort of SMAC personality test and match up players to their best possible strategies and factions. For instance "Which do you find yourself doing more often: Making lots of military units in advance to be prepared, rush-building units only in an emergancy, or keeping a few garrisons on hand but not extras?" Such a test could point to whether a player leans toward a Yang/Police type empire versus a Morgan/FM type empire.
I think the main thing I can't grasp r/e isolationism is how it relates to a global free market. I see imperialist states and their modern PC substitutes: the global corporation, the World Bank, and the enforcement of Human Rights by occupation, etc....as almost the highest form of Free Market. SMAC seems to add weight to this idea because Economy is so intimately linked to commerce. I just can't see that policies of isolationism strengthen a market tied intimately to global trade. Far superior (to an economy, not morally) would be highly controlled and stable imperialist ventures around the globe combined with WTO type free trade agreements. What am I missing?
If I'm not missing anything, Free Market should flourish especially when a player has troops in their submissive Vassal states, offering 'protection'.