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AC replayability and longevity

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  • AC replayability and longevity

    I just want to evaluate the average longevity SMAC(x) can offer ( or forcing the player to deal with! ). Of course it's definitely well above the average video game, but how?

    For my part, I'd say 24 months and still running ( it's been 30+ months since SMAC's release in Q1 1999, but I had a hiatus of 6 months ).
    The art of mastering:"la Maîtrise des caprices du subconscient avant tout".

  • #2
    2 Months.
    -->Visit CGN!
    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


    • #3
      I started Smac about 2 yeaars ago, and I still thirst for it.
      Gaius Mucius Scaevola Sinistra
      Japher: "crap, did I just post in this thread?"
      "Bloody hell, Lefty.....number one in my list of persons I have no intention of annoying, ever." Bugs ****ing Bunny
      From a 6th grader who readily adpated to internet culture: "Pay attention now, because your opinions suck"


      • #4
        I've been playing SMAC since it was released and still play almost every day, although I now play SMAX.


        • #5
          A poll would be good for this question, but use hours rather than months. Some play 20 -10 hour days and then are done with it. Myself I'd say 300 hours SP, 300 more MP.

          Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


          • #6
            Is it really possible to completely get tired and loose intrest with SMAX? I can tell you that after 30 hours straight you might want to take a week off. But you'll always come back for more. MP is pratically immortal.
            "What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an angel! In apprehension how like a God! The beauty of the world! The paragon of animals!" - Shakespeare


            • #7
              I'd say its longevity is pretty good. I got SMAC shortly after its release and played it incessantly for many months. Its bugs imposed a long hiatus on me crash-wise. But returning to the game post-SMAX has breathed new life into the game. I play in shorter bursts, with small breaks in between - but always find myself thinking about the next game I'll play (and who I'll be . . .)


              • #8
                Well, I bought SMAC right away when it was available in 1999; same thing with SMACX in 2000. Since then it never left my hard drive. Maybe the longest time without playing the game is 2 months (during summer vacation). I'm still enjoying it
                I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


                • #9
                  over 2 years - not sure I'll bother buying civ III as I may not have the time to play it!

                  anyway - whatever happened to the aliens from TOT - how can you play a game where you can't be an alien?


                  • #10
                    I've been playing SMAC(X) since its release in early 1999 with a six-month "vacation". like some folks on this forum, I've done a bunch of mods.


                    • #11
                      13 month and still going strong......
                      well actually consider the playing rate I wouuld say that it feels like twice that time....
                      It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                      • #12
                        I've only been playing for about 6 months, played about 3 games of SMAC before I decided that SMAX was more fun.


                        • #13
                          I've been playing off and on for almost two years. I have to rate this game as the finest computer game that I've ever played, though I probably haven't played it as much as Civ I yet. I am definitely still enjoying it, and there are very many things that I've yet to try.
                          He's got the Midas touch.
                          But he touched it too much!
                          Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                          • #14
                            After a year and a half (maybe two years) of playing, I have finally petered out a little bit. I don't even turn on my home PC for 2-3 weeks running now, but when I do I usually take a run at SMACX for 3-4 hours.
                            Fitz. (n.) Old English
                            1. Child born out of wedlock.
                            2. Bastard.

