Ok, I have been playing Alien crossfire for awhile now. And I have a question about producing mindworm units. In the later stages of the game, when I have most of the technologies, and alot of cities. I usually set the governor to the "build" option. Well my cities, will usually start immediately producing mindworms, locusts, isles of the deep and so on. Even though, my technologies allow me to have better units. And I am playing the drones and not being too ecological, so all the native units that are produced are usually not elite. Is there any way, I can set the governor to build, and keep my cities from building native units. Also, when I set the Governor to build, why would it continue to make "military" units anyways? The whole point to setting the governor to build, is so the city will build city improvemments.
Any help would be appreciated.
Any help would be appreciated.