In a SP game I currently plays - Spartan builder style
- I have a Morgan who after getting an extensive bombing with fungus ICBM went Green, well almost. The thing was that I tried to play a peaceful Spartan, only lashing out some drop probes for the fun of it. I concentrated on the Cyborgs as they were the next biggest faction, bought away some bases, lost them (by that boosting the poor Cyborgs a bit in tech), bought some more bases etc. The Morganites were bombed on a regular basis with fungus, this in order to protect my ally Lal (at the same continent as the the Morganites). Everything went fine and the Morganite bases were shrinking at a good pace, from 13 to 3 in the extreme case with Morgans capital. Fine, fine, more picking on the Cyborgs, and I decided to start Transcend - dum de dum, not paying to much attention to the game. What?! Lal pops up and says that the Morganites are pressing him up the wall?! Impossible, they should be crippled by now!
A look at the map, at the infiltrated Morganite cities, and some overfligths over their continent shows an all alien army - a very, very big on too - with bases producing plenty of resources on the fungus. I had to buy a base from Lal (cost = +7500 cred, pop 4, no facil.) in order to rush build a Psi gate there for my Empath-Psi-choppers (Huge continent and the gardening and peaceful Spartans had no military presence there at all). Well I think the situation is under control at the moment and that Lal can prosper still some time.
This migth not be an unique experience, but AI Morgans tends to die asap in my SPs. Seeing this switch in playing style did suprise and deligth me (the AI was better than I thougth).
Anyone else with similar experiences?

A look at the map, at the infiltrated Morganite cities, and some overfligths over their continent shows an all alien army - a very, very big on too - with bases producing plenty of resources on the fungus. I had to buy a base from Lal (cost = +7500 cred, pop 4, no facil.) in order to rush build a Psi gate there for my Empath-Psi-choppers (Huge continent and the gardening and peaceful Spartans had no military presence there at all). Well I think the situation is under control at the moment and that Lal can prosper still some time.
This migth not be an unique experience, but AI Morgans tends to die asap in my SPs. Seeing this switch in playing style did suprise and deligth me (the AI was better than I thougth).
Anyone else with similar experiences?