After an hour or so of playing and few brewskis I sometimes start talking to the screen. I sure wish there were more responses in some of the diplomatic messages, or that the other factions could somehow hear me muttering at them. If you're anything like me, you end up with things like this:
Watching a sea colony pod from a rival coast up to your border "Don't you dare put that base there, you bastard! Don't do it! Don't do it!" Faction plops sea base right off of your coast
"Dammit! Oh, you're gonna pay for that.....mumble mumble....(sips more beer)
An unwanted scout patrol from another faction pops out right next to one of your bases. "What the hell do [I]you[I] want?"
You ask the other faction to shove off and they say "We shall soon whose territory it is!" "Um, I was pretty certain it was mine seeing how I have about twenty rovers gunning for you."
Rival faction says "Your strength is me x amount of energy credits and I'll call off the vendetta." "HAHAHAHA! Your strength was...nonexistant! How about YOU give me ALL of your energy credits and some of them bases?"
Rival says " Will you give me your research on ****** or do I have to unleash my dreaded hordes or whatever to seize them?" "Yeah, I'm a dope, Yang/ Miriam/Santiago/ETC. Its always smarter to give a person thats already threatened you a BIGGER gun."
AI uses air power to destroy formers in a useless and pointless way "YOU PANZIES! If you're gonna start a war at least have the guts to hit a legitimate target! Here I'll show ya how!" (begin attacking AI's units and bases in the most vicious way possible)
Rival call you an inhuman monster for an atrocity against them "Heehee....if you thought what I did to that base was bad, wait'll I get to the rest...." (start nerve gassing and obliterating bases)
Watching a sea colony pod from a rival coast up to your border "Don't you dare put that base there, you bastard! Don't do it! Don't do it!" Faction plops sea base right off of your coast
"Dammit! Oh, you're gonna pay for that.....mumble mumble....(sips more beer)
An unwanted scout patrol from another faction pops out right next to one of your bases. "What the hell do [I]you[I] want?"
You ask the other faction to shove off and they say "We shall soon whose territory it is!" "Um, I was pretty certain it was mine seeing how I have about twenty rovers gunning for you."
Rival faction says "Your strength is me x amount of energy credits and I'll call off the vendetta." "HAHAHAHA! Your strength was...nonexistant! How about YOU give me ALL of your energy credits and some of them bases?"
Rival says " Will you give me your research on ****** or do I have to unleash my dreaded hordes or whatever to seize them?" "Yeah, I'm a dope, Yang/ Miriam/Santiago/ETC. Its always smarter to give a person thats already threatened you a BIGGER gun."
AI uses air power to destroy formers in a useless and pointless way "YOU PANZIES! If you're gonna start a war at least have the guts to hit a legitimate target! Here I'll show ya how!" (begin attacking AI's units and bases in the most vicious way possible)
Rival call you an inhuman monster for an atrocity against them "Heehee....if you thought what I did to that base was bad, wait'll I get to the rest...." (start nerve gassing and obliterating bases)