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starting positions

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  • starting positions

    Sigh...I thought I was da man with the UoP in my games.

    Now I know. It was because I was blessed with good starting positions. I was lucky enough to not have anyone close to me until I had a little bit of a tech lead. Enough to stop invaders and then to build a mighty force to threaten, conquer or just laugh at the saber rattling of others.

    I got my butt kicked this time. I started off well, a big lead in tech due to the UoP's bonuses and 3 artifacts found in a row! I was on my way to victory. Then I found I shared the continent with the Hive and the Drones. I knew sooner or later Yang would come after me, despite his friendliness on our first meeting. Domai at first was quarrelsome, but after I built the Empath Guild he became friendly. Yang had a giant military by 2200 and most of it was massed at our border. I had better tech, but Miriam was unsurpassed and wiping the Gaians off of the map! I decided that in order to make sure Yang left me alone for awhile longer I sicced a probe team on Domai, framing Yang. They failed. Two vendettas for the price of one. Domai stormed me and Yang's bloodhounds were released. My better armor didn't mean too much when Yangs gazillion impact rovers showed up. It didn't help that the midworms had attacked some bases and killed or weakened my defenders.

    I'll have to try again. But I'll no longer be haughty about the prowess of the UoP. I guess a good starting position is needed in some cases. I'm sure it changes with which faction. (The spartans seem to die off if they don't have accessible targets early on.) I'd be interested to know what start positions and factions ya'll prefer.


    "I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown

  • #2
    Naturally, a big, uncontested island would be the best overall start possible. Sometimes, though, having someone close by can help. Early conquests are always an option, as well as tech trades and/or pacts.

    I prefer Gaians with a medium sized island, and the pirates in the nearby seas. Quick comlink, lots of room for terraforming.


    • #3
      If Blind tech is off, make Zak's extra tech applied physics, and then rush your opponents...should buy you tons of extra time while you take advantage of your tech power...most people will still be working on their network nodes by the time you're done.


      • #4
        Kinda Way too broad a question really. Map size! Small maps, Zak is not so hot with militaristic neighbors, Unless he can get the jump on them effectively. Even one submissive faction can turn Zak's hope's around. On Huge maps, he's almost always one of the best, as that is more of a building environment. It's all about the neighbors. 'Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer' especially with the University. Nonetheless it's the most popular faction as you just can't pass up free Net Nodes. It's quite possible to do a rover rush with Zak, and actually more necessary I think in SP games with close and nasty neighbors. The earlier you rush them, the easier they will roll over and beg mercy. Mutter mutter. I will admit that I restart my SP games endlessly or even use the Scenario Editor to customize them to get the start I want. It makes all the difference in the feel of the game. If you want to perfect your military with Zak, try a small map with agressive AI factions.

        Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb

