Is there any way to keep the AI from building those sea bases right off of your own coast (with the obvious intent of pilfering resources from your terraformed squares?)
Does the AI do this to goad the human player into a fight or is it just that it sees resources and thinks thats a good place to build a base? In my experience, Diedre is the worst offender. She always does this to me even when her faction is located on the other side of Planet. Miriam did it to me once, though, and Sven has also. (Recently even Santiago did it!) Cha Dawn did it last night and ruined my Noble rep. He refused to give up the base so I just destroyed it. I'm no longer going to "put up with it", my new SOP on the subject is "either give me the base or I'm going to take it and blast you off of the Planet.". I hate that! Not only did Cha's sea base influence some farmed and mined tiles of mine, they took up a few sea squares that I had sea formed for my own sea base!
Aw well, at least its not as bad as Civ2 when a rival nation would stroll intoyour midst with a settler and plop down a city in the middle of your empire!
Does the AI do this to goad the human player into a fight or is it just that it sees resources and thinks thats a good place to build a base? In my experience, Diedre is the worst offender. She always does this to me even when her faction is located on the other side of Planet. Miriam did it to me once, though, and Sven has also. (Recently even Santiago did it!) Cha Dawn did it last night and ruined my Noble rep. He refused to give up the base so I just destroyed it. I'm no longer going to "put up with it", my new SOP on the subject is "either give me the base or I'm going to take it and blast you off of the Planet.". I hate that! Not only did Cha's sea base influence some farmed and mined tiles of mine, they took up a few sea squares that I had sea formed for my own sea base!
Aw well, at least its not as bad as Civ2 when a rival nation would stroll intoyour midst with a settler and plop down a city in the middle of your empire!
