I've been meaning for a long long time to make my own UBC style scenerio, and have finally got around to it
. The problem with most scenerio's or challenges is you are some wuss like morgan, lal or zak. But, it's really fun to play as one of the Alien factions, so to that end you are Conqurer Marr. Also the alien graphics sets are rather good, and make a nice change.
In my scenerio the evil caretakers have convinced the human factions (yang, domai, aki, roze, cha dawn) that you, marr are the bad guy, and to that end H'mniee forged a global alliance against you! (all AI's surrended to each other). The humans are NOT at permament vendetta with you, however you start with a spoiled reputation and the AI's are set to be backstabbers, this means diplomacy, while difficult is not a complete lost cause.
Large Custom map, comprised of 6 islands arranged around a central island (where you start). Each island is "unique", and most have a landmark on them (you get the crater).
Each island has a small forest, and most have a small jungle. (the AI islands have extra terraforming, ofcourse)
There is no fungus (except that caused by pops).
The map is very arid, except where the jungles are. Sea bases could be viable.
Each AI starts with 2 HQ's at oppisite ends of their islands, each HQ has a perimeter defense, rec tanks, rec commons. And a full compliment of normal starting units.
I've rearranged the starting tech a bit, several factions have doc flex, and sea power priority, so expect early naval action. You dont start with Cent Eco, nor Field modulation (the caretakers also dont get that, I find the expensive garrisons really tie up production).
Despite the fact you are Marr, I intend the map to be a "builder" map rather than a "conquer" map.
Seeing it's kinda very beta at the moment, I cant guarentee that it will be challenge - or for that matter it could be unwinnable
Basically I have no idea how hard it will be, however in a quick test by 2125 the AI's had mostly fulled their islands, and a number of foils were out patrolling. While my power was about 1/3 of the AI's.
Anyway, if you want to play as Marr, but dont want to win
give my scenerio a whirl.

In my scenerio the evil caretakers have convinced the human factions (yang, domai, aki, roze, cha dawn) that you, marr are the bad guy, and to that end H'mniee forged a global alliance against you! (all AI's surrended to each other). The humans are NOT at permament vendetta with you, however you start with a spoiled reputation and the AI's are set to be backstabbers, this means diplomacy, while difficult is not a complete lost cause.
Large Custom map, comprised of 6 islands arranged around a central island (where you start). Each island is "unique", and most have a landmark on them (you get the crater).
Each island has a small forest, and most have a small jungle. (the AI islands have extra terraforming, ofcourse)
There is no fungus (except that caused by pops).
The map is very arid, except where the jungles are. Sea bases could be viable.
Each AI starts with 2 HQ's at oppisite ends of their islands, each HQ has a perimeter defense, rec tanks, rec commons. And a full compliment of normal starting units.
I've rearranged the starting tech a bit, several factions have doc flex, and sea power priority, so expect early naval action. You dont start with Cent Eco, nor Field modulation (the caretakers also dont get that, I find the expensive garrisons really tie up production).
Despite the fact you are Marr, I intend the map to be a "builder" map rather than a "conquer" map.
Seeing it's kinda very beta at the moment, I cant guarentee that it will be challenge - or for that matter it could be unwinnable

Anyway, if you want to play as Marr, but dont want to win
