Originally posted by Velociryx
As a baseline, every faction starts with the following negatives:
-2 Growth (high death rate on a hostile alien world)
-2 Research (limited supplies, no infrastructure, most of the “research” done is by observation)
-2 Support (no infrastructure, no industry…difficult to support much of anything)
-1 Industry (some basic tools salvaged from unity, but the starting “industry” is primitive, at best)
As a baseline, every faction starts with the following negatives:
-2 Growth (high death rate on a hostile alien world)
-2 Research (limited supplies, no infrastructure, most of the “research” done is by observation)
-2 Support (no infrastructure, no industry…difficult to support much of anything)
-1 Industry (some basic tools salvaged from unity, but the starting “industry” is primitive, at best)
The main problem in SP is that when you have aquired a certain tech level the AIs stop to be a serius problem (For me this level is the 7th - United Field Theory, Probability Mechanics...-), so a great part of facilities, chassis, unit's abilities or SPs become useless (Just few examples: do you use PSI gates? Do you build the Bulk Matter Transmitter? Do you use units with blink displacer?)
Your idea of start penalties is good, and it can be considered changing the SE settings Frontier/Simple/Survival
Frontier: -2 EFFIC -2 SUPPORT few organization, few resources
Simple: -1 ECONOMY -1 INDUSTRY absence of markets and infrastructures
Survival: -1 MORAL -1 RESEARCH far from Earth, in an ostile world you want fight or know?
Obviusly having the possibility (Techs) it's possible swichting from this SE to others.
In total each faction at the beginning of game (besides its original modifiers)
sounds a pretty tough landing!

I'm waiting your comments for my idea
I've not gived -1/-2 PLANET (few comprehension of an alien environment) because Gaians and Cult would be too penalized