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Increasing the damage done by artillery?

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  • Increasing the damage done by artillery?

    Could anyone tell me if and how it's possible to increase the damage done by artillery through the text files in SMAC?

    IIRC this was fixed in SMAC(X) but I don't have that.


  • #2
    Don't Think So

    As far as I can tell Artillery is not fixable in SMAC...any other evidence? Someone made a really interesting general upgrade of SMAC somewhere...Creation Threads? That would be where to check, even though those threads are mostly out of date...
    Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


    • #3
      Re: Increasing the damage done by artillery?

      I think you can find that in the ReadMe file, but I'm not sure.
      "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master." -- Commisioner Pravin Lal, U.N. Declaration of Rights
      "A ship at sea is its own world. To be captain of that ship is to be the sole and absolute ruler of that world." -- Colonel Corozan Santiago


      • #4

        You (I think) are thinking of SNAC

        Shining (hence the name SNAC - Shining's New Alpha Centauri) did a complete makeover of the alpha.txt, introducing some new techs and prerequisites, and making a couple of the gamebreaker techs come later in the game.

        The mod was highly successful, making SP games much more satisfying.

        It predated SMAX, and i don't believe he redid it after the smac 4.0/smax 2.0 patches came out.

        Not sure where you'd find it - memory tells me it was just in the general threads, and not in the creation section. I might have a copy on my desktop's harddrive, but won't be back at that for a week. I'll have a gander then.



        • #5
          Thanks for the replies.

          I will try to find the SNAC mod .

          It's a pity that there isn't a simple way to increase artillery damage. Watching the AI use the artillery again and again every turn without much effect is damn annoying. I will probably just take artillery out of the game by making the prerequisity a late tech.


          • #6
            I thought that this was editable in alpha.txt?


            • #7
              I just saw the thread on SNAC in the last couple of days. Try going to the SMAC page on this site, Other Games Forum here, or the forums at ACOL.



              • #8
                For SMAC, look in alpha.txt, under #RULES, the 3rd and 4th lines:

                3,2 ; Numerator & Denominator for artillery fire damage
                2, ; Max artillery range (larger will break multiplayer)

                I've played around with alpha.txt in other places, but I've never changed either of these. If you experiment with them, please post the results?
                I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.


                • #9
                  I've fooled with these variables, especially to change the percent possible damage from 99 to 100. It's terribly frustrating to watch the AI almost kill a unit only to have it retreat and heal. You CAN however change factions disposition toward using artillery if you make your game into a scenario. Use the scenario editor to change their mode of attack (this is in the menu under...I think Faction Strategy, or somesuch). If you do change the prerequisite for Artillery, be sure to think about what other techs that might limit.

                  Googlie, ayup, was thinking of SNAC.

                  Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by gwillybj
                    For SMAC, look in alpha.txt, under #RULES, the 3rd and 4th lines:

                    3,2 ; Numerator & Denominator for artillery fire damage
                    2, ; Max artillery range (larger will break multiplayer)

                    I've played around with alpha.txt in other places, but I've never changed either of these. If you experiment with them, please post the results?
                    I altered artillery damage to 6,2 in MacSMAC and it noticeably
                    increased artillery damage. I'm sure if you see those lines
                    you can change them.

