Whats the strangest thing thats ever happened to you whilst playing smax?
Well, earlier i was having an enjoyable game as the Consciousness. Pact with morgan, Drones eradicated, peace with Gaians and pirates. Lal was paying the price for betryal. Everything was going fine, then suddenly my Pactmate Spartans probed me. I then got the "you have rescued a faction leader blah blah blah" message. Apparently I had rescued myself, and swore a pact to serve myself. My once prosperous faction had been reduced to several colony pods on a tiny island. Wierd! Rest assured that the auto save was quickly used.
Well, earlier i was having an enjoyable game as the Consciousness. Pact with morgan, Drones eradicated, peace with Gaians and pirates. Lal was paying the price for betryal. Everything was going fine, then suddenly my Pactmate Spartans probed me. I then got the "you have rescued a faction leader blah blah blah" message. Apparently I had rescued myself, and swore a pact to serve myself. My once prosperous faction had been reduced to several colony pods on a tiny island. Wierd! Rest assured that the auto save was quickly used.