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Fungal Blooms - Dangerous

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  • Fungal Blooms - Dangerous

    Before this, I never considered fungal blooms anything more than just simple irritants. But now, after my last game, I have absolutely changed my mind.
    I was playing Yang, and waging a war vs. allied Morgan and Domai on their continent, creating the bulk of attack units at my best bases, and keeping the connection with heavily armoured transports. Also, I used lots of aircraft, and had the Cloudbase Academy. I had Vendetta with everyone, so didn't worry much about the economical sanctions. I was also creating Planet Busters, using my first to get rid of the Drone HQ, where most of their units came from, and some others to weaken Morgan from behind. My land was terraformed almost perfect, Mag Tubes everywhere, Farms and Sensor Arrays, lots of other stuff, no fungus. Suddenly, a fungal bloom happened one turn. It spawned something like 8 worms. I didn't worry much, but I had little energy, of course, and what I had was invested in war efforts. Examining my bases, I noticed that my garrisons are Photon Sentinels, but without Trance, AAA instead. That was because the enemies only disturbed me with rare Chaos Planes visits, but I wasn't garrisoning too hard.
    Next turn this happened again, with more worms, but I thought I can still deal with this. A special unit, Worm Hunter was designed: Infantry, Resonance Laser, Resonance armor, Trance and Empathy given as special abilities. But I could only buy one such a turn, when Fungal Blooms came each turn. And then, sea levels started to rise - it promised that they will rise up to 3 kilometres over 20 years. My empire was divided into Islands. But before that, I even used a Planet Buster to get rid of one of worm centres, without harming any bases.
    But, I lost. Worms kept coming, with about 120 Worms playing on my continent in the end. And their damned Spore Launchers destroyed my improvements. My good bases couldn't do anything, since the Supply Crawlers were gone, too.
    Well, I wonder if anyone has ever had so much problems with ecology. Gonna play Deirdre now . But in fact, it was interesting to see how dangerous these things are in reality.
    Thank you for listening .

    Solver the "Running Beer" -
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man

  • #2

    Originally posted by Solver on 05-10-2001 12:02 PM
    I was also creating Planet Busters, using my first to get rid of the Drone HQ, where most of their units came from, and some others to weaken Morgan from behind.
    . . . [snip] . . .
    But before that, I even used a Planet Buster to get rid of one of worm centres, without harming any bases.

    It's the PB's, they are killers for rampant ecodamage. I play without using them in my SP games and avoid major worm trouble. However, I continued beyond the completion of a recent game to vent some frustration on Lal, and decided I'd vaporize him with a couple of singularity PB's. After running the entire game with very little ecodamage (the occasional single-square blowup and worm-harvest), the use of only two PB's caused Planet to go nuts on me. As I'd suspected. I played it out to see the effects and they were not pretty. The same thing happened in a similar situation with just a little nerve gas. I was so busy building replacement 1-1t-1 scouts that I had no time for pressure domes. Bloop.

    So go easy on those PB's.

    Fitz -- I've seen that practice suggested before but haven't seen it play out in practice. With a couple of bases habitually in the 15-20 ecodamage range, and blowups every other turn or so, I'd expected that to "inoculate" Planet. But to no avail. Does it need to be more extreme than that, or are there other factors to consider?


    • #3
      We're heavily debating the eco-damage formula right now in another thread, but:

      It depends on the amount of eco-damage. Every atrocity (using the conventional formula) produces #techs*.5 eco damage. So in the late game, that can be a lot (given 20-30 techs minimum). If you use the conventional formula it is permenant.

      Using the potential corrections we have found:
      If the blooms do reduce eco damage, it still takes five blooms to negate every single atrocity. Alternately, building five Tree Farms, Hybrid Forests, Centauri Presevres or Temples of Planet would do the same.

      In addition, if Atrocity damage is reduced to a fraction from Centauri Preserves, Temples of Planet, and Nanofactories, then the first in a base would halve the total damage, the second reduce to 1/3, and the last to 1/4. This could potentially work in concurance with the previous negation of one point per bloom or facility.
      Fitz. (n.) Old English
      1. Child born out of wedlock.
      2. Bastard.


      • #4

        Best worm hunter IMHO is the good old empath chopper - I usually give mine both empath and SAM so they double as interceptors (means giving them a good weapon, though) - for pure wormhunting use the cheapest weapon (not always the simple laser - often it's no more expensive to go impact) and churn them out.

        With the cloudbase they'll repair themselves in 1 turn, and they quickl;y get to elite status when the worms are plentiful.



        • #5
          Try ramping up your eco-damage early and getting fungal blooms then. They generally produce 0-2 mindworms at this point, and each fungal bloom increases the mineral and/or atrocity damage you can endure. According to conventional wisdom, revoking the U.N. Charter also negates the eco-damage affect of Atrocities.
          Fitz. (n.) Old English
          1. Child born out of wedlock.
          2. Bastard.


          • #6
            For a wormhunter, I like empath artillery. Every base should have one. Make the second slot "police." Ned


            • #7
              I don't think Nerve Gas causes much eco-damage. If I'm playing vs. H'Minee or Marr, I gas them with choppers - and see little eco damage around my empire. But using 4 Planet Busters in this game made Planet send me a present being tons of worms there.
              Googlie - the unit seems nice, but the worst thing about it, and every other worm hunter is: for one base, only one hunter can be made in a turn. While you might have like 15 new worms appear each turn.
              And then, hunting them down isn't all. In my situation, global warming was going to absolutely flood all the continents soon. AFAIK, there's no way to stop the global warming once it triggered. And so, I would anyways lose all my bases, with the Ocean waves covering them. If the oceans promise to raise to levels of 2000 metres, it's a very bad situation. For me, they promised to raise over 3000 metres, taking in account thay my highest-elevated base was approx. 3100 metres high. Only Svensgaard can reap benefits of this - while everyone else might lose half of bases, assuming waters raise 1000 metres, while Sven doesn't lose his waterbases, and he gets even more room to expand.

              Solver the "Running Beer" -
              Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
              Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
              I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


              • #8
                Curiously, nerve gas only causes eco-damage because it's an atrocity - so gassing the aliens has no effect. Go figure.

                You can mitigate global warming if you can persuade council to launch a solar shade.
                The church is the only organisation that exists for the benefit of its non-members
                Buy your very own 4-dimensional, non-orientable, 1-sided, zero-edged, zero-volume, genus 1 manifold immersed in 3-space!
                All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his.
                "They offer us some, but we have no place to store a mullet." - Chegitz Guevara


                • #9

                  Ah, but Solver, your Chopper gets multiple attacks at them - not uncommon for an elite chopper to take out 8 to 10 mindworms in a turn then retreat to base for repairs. (And if your base has decent crawlers, a genejack and nano factory, giving some 50 or 60 minerals per turn then you can get a new chopper every turn.

                  Must admit I've never tried arty on them - but that just weakens every one in the stack, doesn't it? (Making them easier to kill off with conventional units, I'm guessing)

                  And re the rising floodwaters, good planning would have you with pressure domes in all your bases by the 20 turn timelimit, wouldn't it?


                  [This message has been edited by Googlie (edited May 11, 2001).]


                  • #10
                    If the stack has a Spore Launcher, and they normally do, killing the SL kills the whole stack. If it does not have a SL, Arty so damages the stack that your 1-1-1 police infrantry can kill it with less that one movement point left. Ned


                    • #11
                      Ned & Fitz:

                      Your eco-damage formulas are all wrong. Tech reduces eco-damage, not increasing it as you say. And eco-damage is cumulative --rather than innoculating against further damage it exacerbates it.

                      Looks like I am going to have to run a scenario test to prove you wrong. I started a scenario on the Islanders/Hive in the Middle map but terraforming via the scenario editor on 7 identical islands gets tedious.

                      Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet, available at The Chironian Guild:


                      • #12
                        Dilithium Dad, I used to think the same as you that techs decreased ED. However, what actually was happening was that I was building more and more Tree Farms and Hybrid Forests. It is the process of BUILDING them that creates a permanent increase in CLEAN MINERALS, which initially starts at 16. There is a catch, this effect does not begin until after the first pop.

                        SE checks do not normally check for processes, just static conditions. This is why this may not have been confirmed hitherto.




                        • #13
                          Oops. I forgot about those Pressure Domes. But still, it would serve Svensgaard so much.

                          Solver the "Running Beer" -
                          Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                          Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                          I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                          • #14

                            if you have an army of Formers (30-40) you probably could raise yourself out of the sea and sit there on the top the world and see the rest go under. With "superformer" it takes I think 4(?) turns to raise land for ONE former. Imagine what would happen with 30.

                            Which bring me to a entire new question:

                            What would happen if sealevel keeps rising even though you have maximized your landrising? Will it ALL go under water (land not bases)? So the entire map could be fild with water and seabases? Ever happen to anyone?

                            It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                            • #15
                              Try a scenario. Create tons of eco-damage, and wait for the entire world to sink. It's possible, I think.

                              Solver the "Running Beer" -
                              Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                              Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                              I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man

