Hello, everyone. I've just stumbled in onto this forum while browsing on the web, so I'm new. I have a few questions for all the ones here who are more experienced at this game than I am:
1) What is your take on base spacing? I understand that putting the bases too close together would breed competition for resources, but putting them too far apart would result in loss of energy due to inefficiency and it would be a more difficult task to defend your territory. So what is the average distance that you space your bases?
2) About how much minerals and energy would your average size 7 base be producing?
3) How do you guys get your bases to be producing 100 minerals per turn? This is simply amazing. Do you get this number via supply crawlers? If so, how many supply crawlers? This seems to be quite a stretch, since a rolling square would only produce 2 minerals with a mine. Say you have 14 workers, with, and each square is producing 2 minerals, with the exception of two boreholes, which are producing six. The base in question would be raking in only 36 minerals...excluding support costs. Your crawlers would need 64 minerals, and that can only be accomplished by planting them on more than 10 boreholes. If you have 3 industrial bases, you would need 30 boreholes. Also, about how many military units does your average base do your average base support?
4) Many people here seem to be fond of planting forests, but they only provide 1 nutrient in the early game...that is, pre-treefarm era. A citizens requires an intake of 2 nutrients a turn, and a square of forest would not be able to support the citizen working on it. How do you guys get forests to work?
5) Which SPs rank highest on your list (on SMAC, not the expansion)? The ones that you always race to grab?
Well, that's about all I can think of for now. Any and all responses would be greatly appreciated.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Net Maverick (edited May 05, 2001).]</font>
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Net Maverick (edited May 05, 2001).]</font>
1) What is your take on base spacing? I understand that putting the bases too close together would breed competition for resources, but putting them too far apart would result in loss of energy due to inefficiency and it would be a more difficult task to defend your territory. So what is the average distance that you space your bases?
2) About how much minerals and energy would your average size 7 base be producing?
3) How do you guys get your bases to be producing 100 minerals per turn? This is simply amazing. Do you get this number via supply crawlers? If so, how many supply crawlers? This seems to be quite a stretch, since a rolling square would only produce 2 minerals with a mine. Say you have 14 workers, with, and each square is producing 2 minerals, with the exception of two boreholes, which are producing six. The base in question would be raking in only 36 minerals...excluding support costs. Your crawlers would need 64 minerals, and that can only be accomplished by planting them on more than 10 boreholes. If you have 3 industrial bases, you would need 30 boreholes. Also, about how many military units does your average base do your average base support?
4) Many people here seem to be fond of planting forests, but they only provide 1 nutrient in the early game...that is, pre-treefarm era. A citizens requires an intake of 2 nutrients a turn, and a square of forest would not be able to support the citizen working on it. How do you guys get forests to work?
5) Which SPs rank highest on your list (on SMAC, not the expansion)? The ones that you always race to grab?
Well, that's about all I can think of for now. Any and all responses would be greatly appreciated.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Net Maverick (edited May 05, 2001).]</font>
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Net Maverick (edited May 05, 2001).]</font>