Hello...I have a couple of inquiries regarding energy (note: I have SMAC, not SMAX, so thermoclines are not an option):
1) How do you develop a science city (in other words, what method do you use to rake in big bucks)? Is your science city a land or sea base? It seems that many seem to prefer sea bases over land bases for energy production. Which leads me to a second question...
2) Do you bother with mass energy production in land bases? If so, how do you do it?
3) Are energy parks cost-effective? It seems to me that raising a piece of land 3000+ meters and mass constructing solar collectors and echelon mirrors is a difficult task.
4) Concerning FM...how do you get this SE setting to work? I usually have a large portion of my military patroling my continent, and this choice of economy always breed drone riots and mass eco-damage, which leads to worm assaults and fungal blooms. How do you prevent these crippling drawbacks?
5) When in peace time, does anyone use this combination of SE choices: FM, Wealth, and Eudaimonic for energy dominance?
1) How do you develop a science city (in other words, what method do you use to rake in big bucks)? Is your science city a land or sea base? It seems that many seem to prefer sea bases over land bases for energy production. Which leads me to a second question...
2) Do you bother with mass energy production in land bases? If so, how do you do it?
3) Are energy parks cost-effective? It seems to me that raising a piece of land 3000+ meters and mass constructing solar collectors and echelon mirrors is a difficult task.
4) Concerning FM...how do you get this SE setting to work? I usually have a large portion of my military patroling my continent, and this choice of economy always breed drone riots and mass eco-damage, which leads to worm assaults and fungal blooms. How do you prevent these crippling drawbacks?
5) When in peace time, does anyone use this combination of SE choices: FM, Wealth, and Eudaimonic for energy dominance?