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  • #16
    Unfortunately, the links are broken. Oh well
    The church is the only organisation that exists for the benefit of its non-members
    Buy your very own 4-dimensional, non-orientable, 1-sided, zero-edged, zero-volume, genus 1 manifold immersed in 3-space!
    All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his.
    "They offer us some, but we have no place to store a mullet." - Chegitz Guevara


    • #17
      Having just gotten in to SMAC/X and PBEM very recently (like February 2001), I just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work on the two previous guides.

      Just for an example of how effective your guide was for myself - before reading it I rarely reached the 1200 point mark in a game. After a couple of readings with careful attention paid to the economic aspects, I achieved the following score on Thinker level: 7550 with a 471% AC rating. This is from a guy who had trouble playing on Librarian before and staying alive.

      They have been more than instrumental in developing not just my skills, but my opponents, in becoming skilled (not great) SMAC/X players.

      Very glad to have you back and look forward to seeing the final edition in print. You've got at least 2 buyers for sure.


      • #18
        In another thread, Bond asked me how the map I'm designing was coming, but rather than draw that thread off topic, I figured I'd just update this one, which is already off topic...

        The scenario is pretty much finished and is now in the hands of my beta testers....two of them have reported back in that I should rate the scenario "impossible," but once they read the "tip sheet" I'm writing up to accompany the file, they had a change of heart. Still, early indications are that it's a very challenging (brutal?!) scenario in the early goings, which is exactly what I had in mind. I'm just hoping that I've built in enough replay value that it won't be seen as a "one-shot" map. I think testing, I've played it through to completion about half a dozen times thus far, and I'm not tired of it yet!

        The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


        • #19
          Thanks Theo, and howdies! ::as he whistles to himself:: Man...that's quite a jump in score....that rocks! And thank you for crediting the strategy guide for that success and big jump in performance!

          Here....the Apolyton Forums....this is really where the guide was born. Sure sure, I spent a ton of time playing and testing different stuff, and a ton more time writing down all the results, but I remember when I first bought the game, fell head over heels in love with it, and hit the 'net in search of other people who felt the same way. I stumbled across this site almost by accident, and was in awe of the wisdom here. So in awe, in fact, I was too nervous to even voice my own ideas at first, contenting myself with short little discriptions (and sometimes, not-so-short descriptions) of my most recent games. Eventually though, curiosity got the better of me, and I started asking a few questions of the folk that had obviously been here a while, and I got some really good answers from a group of extremely patient, thoughtful people, and ever since then, anytime I'm here, I try to continue that tradition.

          And the discussions taking place here! That's what I was (and still am!) so captivated by, and it was those discussions....coming here on a daily basis and talking over the latest and greatest game ideas....that was really the genesis of what became the strategy guide.

          Oh, I probably could have sat down and penned some kind of strategy guide on my own, in a vaccuum....but I think it would not have had the depth and completeness that it does now, and that is thanks in no small part to everybody who comes here regularly to post!

 about long-winded! But, all that to again say "thank you" for the compliment on the guide, and to say another big "thank you" to everybody here who helped shape it.

          (who's now headed to read the latest additions of the "Ideology" thread! Interesting discussion!)
          The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


          • #20
            I didn't see a way to update my profile, so I figured this was as good a place as any to put it....I've closed down the e-mail addy listed in my profile....just got to the point where I couldn't keep track of them all, so I've solidified down to just one.

            The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


            • #21

              I didn't see a way to update my profile

              On a forum main page, top right: click "profile"
              On a thread, top left: click "profile"
              The church is the only organisation that exists for the benefit of its non-members
              Buy your very own 4-dimensional, non-orientable, 1-sided, zero-edged, zero-volume, genus 1 manifold immersed in 3-space!
              All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his.
              "They offer us some, but we have no place to store a mullet." - Chegitz Guevara


              • #22

                Originally posted by Chowlett on 05-08-2001 06:01 PM
                On a forum main page, top right: click "profile"
                On a thread, top left: click "profile"

                Or if that doesn't work, try this link

                The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.
                -H. L. Mencken
                [This message has been edited by bondetamp (edited May 08, 2001).]
                The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.
                -H. L. Mencken

