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favorite fraction?

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  • favorite fraction?

    do you play with only one fraction, or do you swing a lot? ... after the initial `testing`, I guess.

    I'm a little bit of Yang fanatic, and that's because I share some of his views... Damn, this game isn't political enought ;-)

  • #2
    Yeah my friend, Yang rules big time! =)

    But by ideologies I'm more like Sinder Roze(I'm not a hacker or anything, though I share the same views)

    Long live THE HIVE!
    Long live THE HIVE!


    • #3

      My favorite fraction is 7/8 but I do use others-- don't know why-- and Ms. cbn and I never swing-- LOL

      Seriously-- I play all factions. In fact I chose random factions in all my single player games over the last several months. Ypu only get a true appreciation of a factions attributes by playing them. I do have favorites to play and they include the Cult, drones, Uni and I am coming to like Yang.


      • #4
        Am I the only one w/o SMACX in the World!?!
        I can't get it in ROmania! I couldn't even get the original!


        • #5
          LOL, cbn!

          S-man, can't you still order it over the Net?


          • #6

            Originally posted by SPasmofiT on 04-18-2001 04:39 PM
            Am I the only one w/o SMACX in the World!?!
            I can't get it in ROmania! I couldn't even get the original!

            Hey! I am you southwest neighbour (formerly, since I moved to UK)! Figure that out!

            You might need to travel abroad to get SMAX, maybe Hungary (next to you?)?
            ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
            ... Pain is an illusion...


            • #7
              BTW my favourite faction is Data Angels .

              "I hate this storm. The others all pretend they're not afraid but I know better. They're as scared as I am, but they won't admit it. They look at me and smile and make brave faces and they can see how frightened I am. The wind howls out there and they all pretend they don't hear it. And when I turn my back to them, when they think I can't see them, they laugh at me. I can hear them laughing at me even over the noise of the wind."

              Extract from
              "Return to Mars"
              by Ben Bova
              ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
              ... Pain is an illusion...


              • #8
                I usually play the University, the Pirates or the Gaians. I should try each faction eventually, though there are several I have never yet played and aren't too intersted in (Roze and the aliens come to mind).
                He's got the Midas touch.
                But he touched it too much!
                Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                • #9
                  It use to be Cha Dawn, before I discovered MP. Now I would say mostly Zak or Morgan if I want a challenge (I always have aliens in SP and they always attack my poor FM/W defences).
                  It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                  • #10
                    I play random factions, but the faction I like most to play is the Cult.
                    But lately, I have discovered the how much fun it can be to play the Hive in the way the good Chairman would have intended


                    • #11
                      Random is the favored choice, but I love Zak for his research, and also the Gaians for the nice native life boom.

                      Solver the "Running Beer" -
                      Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                      Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                      I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                      • #12
                        Zak, Aki, Seven, Morgan, or Santiago. I play them all hybrid. I'm REALY into tech. Probobly why I never use Yang, Miriam, Domai, or Cha.

                        I'll use Lal, Roze, or Dee only at moderate.
                        It hurts to be on the cutting edge!


                        • #13
                          I play all the factions, although I least like playing as the Believers. Her -2 research and lack of research for the first 10 years can be overcome, but the increased cost of each research advance is what really kills you.
                          I rarely play University because they're overpowered and it's too easy to win. I like to play Morgan as a challenge. Has anyone won a multiplayer game as Morgan? It's rare, I believe, although I always want Morgan on my team if cooperative victory has been enabled.
                          Gaians are always interesting and either their advantages nor their disadvantages are overwhelming.
                          The Hive rules in single player, but it's tough to play in multiplayer.

                          Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet, available at The Chironian Guild:
                          Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet, available at The Chironian Guild:


                          • #14

                            Originally posted by SPasmofiT on 04-18-2001 04:39 PM
                            Am I the only one w/o SMACX in the World!?!
                            I can't get it in ROmania! I couldn't even get the original!

                            I think that Alien Crossfire is currently out of production; despite what you see in banner ads on this site from Chips & Bits, the best you can do is a "backorder". I saw somewhere that Electronic Arts might make an additional batch if there was enough demand, but who knows what that means? It pops up on eBay, but seems overpriced, going for about $40(US) plus shipping. Meanwhile, I've been kicking myself for not buying a Planetary Pack when I saw one in the store a few months ago because the packaging had been abused. So, I put in a backorder with EA and occasionally make a (too low) bid on eBay. I still haven't really worn out my enjoyment of SMAC, but I do ultimately want to get SMACX, so if anyone knows a actual real non-rumor place to get a copy of Xfire, please let me know. Thanks.

                            Edit: Just looked at eBay and the going price is now over $50
                            [This message has been edited by johndmuller (edited April 19, 2001).]


                            • #15
                              I saw some Planetary Packs in the delete bin a few months ago for CAN $9.99. Who'd a thunk it? I could have made a fortune speculating on Alpha Centauri.

