I love this game, but despite having read Vel's guides and applied it's techniques, I seem to be doing pretty poorly. I'm wondering if it's just my playing skill (which I suspect) or the way I configure the game.
Let me know if this setup is nearly certain death to Morgan the builder. I try to create games that don't slant in favor of any one faction.
Random map, standard-sized planet.
Ocean size, native life, etc. all down the middle.
Blind research (since some factions get directed as an ability).
Random enemies (normal personalities/agendas).
No pod scattering (excessive pod popping leads to unearned benefits, I think).
Do or die.
Highest difficulty.
The rest stays at default.
Essentially, I'm wondering if the builder playing style requires larger maps, or even huge-sized maps, to be viable. I'm not sure how my other settings could really harm the builder strategy, except that blind reasearch makes it tougher if the Borgs or aliens end up in the game. I do micromanage and look to maximize turn advantage.
The best I'm usually able to do is get to the mid game on par with the AI. Most often, I'm in a solid losing position by 2200. Even if I can hold my own into the mid game, I still can't seem to move really far ahead on the power scale. Even getting that far usually requires me to start on an isolated landmass or be very lucky in the first couple of skirmishes.
I could go on and on about the particulars, but that encapsulates it. I usually only have this tough a time on the highest difficulty; winning on the lower three levels is pretty much guaranteed. I use a Mac, if the code makes any difference.
Let me know if this setup is nearly certain death to Morgan the builder. I try to create games that don't slant in favor of any one faction.
Random map, standard-sized planet.
Ocean size, native life, etc. all down the middle.
Blind research (since some factions get directed as an ability).
Random enemies (normal personalities/agendas).
No pod scattering (excessive pod popping leads to unearned benefits, I think).
Do or die.
Highest difficulty.
The rest stays at default.
Essentially, I'm wondering if the builder playing style requires larger maps, or even huge-sized maps, to be viable. I'm not sure how my other settings could really harm the builder strategy, except that blind reasearch makes it tougher if the Borgs or aliens end up in the game. I do micromanage and look to maximize turn advantage.
The best I'm usually able to do is get to the mid game on par with the AI. Most often, I'm in a solid losing position by 2200. Even if I can hold my own into the mid game, I still can't seem to move really far ahead on the power scale. Even getting that far usually requires me to start on an isolated landmass or be very lucky in the first couple of skirmishes.
I could go on and on about the particulars, but that encapsulates it. I usually only have this tough a time on the highest difficulty; winning on the lower three levels is pretty much guaranteed. I use a Mac, if the code makes any difference.