Do you use it? I started using it recently when involved in war and think it is kind of cool. It gives you an idea of where to avoid. I makes me us more caution when attacking lone units or bases. It also gives me an idea where to put sensors to increase my sight. I am currently involved in a two front war. I am fighting Yang mostly at sea. He has lots of foils and I am taking one sea base after another until I work my way to his main island. I am also fighting this pactmate (Lal
) who shares a continent with me. I am the pirates but have 7 bases plus Morgans old empire under my control. I took The HGP and ME from Morgan Trade Center. Oh excuse me Fort Trade Center.
Anyway, I find that fighting Lal on the land and Yang primarly at sea is a good challenge. Thankfully Santiago is busy fighting Domai, cause she really doesn't like me that much. A three front war would not be good. Zak is being a good pactmate and giving me tech after tech. Fog of war makes it kind of exciting cause those dark areas could be hiding a mass horde of peacekeepers and hivers.
