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SMACed has some points. I got into the turn based games because of SMAC. So I am probably way too biased to comment. I tried CTP and was bored out of my mind. I just couldn't get into the game and I am a big fan of history. For me the biggest attraction of SMAC/SMAX is the personality of the factions. It helps me get into the game. And with mulitplay, the weakness of the AI is sidesteped. I haven't played CivI or II. I may pick it up in the bargain bins, but for now I always go back and fire up a game of SMAC

SMACed has some points. I got into the turn based games because of SMAC. So I am probably way too biased to comment. I tried CTP and was bored out of my mind. I just couldn't get into the game and I am a big fan of history. For me the biggest attraction of SMAC/SMAX is the personality of the factions. It helps me get into the game. And with mulitplay, the weakness of the AI is sidesteped. I haven't played CivI or II. I may pick it up in the bargain bins, but for now I always go back and fire up a game of SMAC