I just resently started to edit (create) new factions. I have some question marks (???) about special abilities. How do you give it to a faction and what is the difference between "faction", "rules" and "datalinks"?
It seems like you have to give rec tank to both "faction" and "datalinks" but energy grid you don't (only datalinks). This is how the default looks like with Caretakers. Anyone care to explain?
I just resently started to edit (create) new factions. I have some question marks (???) about special abilities. How do you give it to a faction and what is the difference between "faction", "rules" and "datalinks"?
It seems like you have to give rec tank to both "faction" and "datalinks" but energy grid you don't (only datalinks). This is how the default looks like with Caretakers. Anyone care to explain?