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Self aware colony question

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  • Self aware colony question

    When you get the self aware colony it says that you have an extra police unit in your base. If you have 3 units in as police units does it count as a fourth unit?

  • #2
    Yes, but it will not take effect, if your Police rating dissallows you to use 4 units as police.
    And AFAIR the maximum units you can use is 3, for the highest Police rating.

    I love the tick of the Geiger counter in the morning. It's the sound of... victory! :D
    LoD - Owner/Webmaster of's Discussion Forums and Multiplayer System for SMAC and Civs 2-4


    • #3
      LoD, I am not sure if I understood your reply. Assume you are at +1 police, and have the Self Aware colony. This combination should permit you to use 3 units as police, not so? So if you have two police units in the city, the Colony effectively adds a third. Is this right?

      Now assume you are at 0 police rating, and you have a Brood pit in a base. The Pit gives the base +2 police. Without the Colony, this allows you to use 3 units as police. Assume you do have 3 units in the base and all are "police" units, does the Colony do anything? You seemed to say that it does not add a fourth police unit. But does it give you instead the "double" police effect?

      Finally, assume you are at +1 police, have a Pit and 3 police units before the Colony. This combination is the same as 9 non police units keeping the peace. Does the Colony enhance this combination in any way?

      Ned arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en


      • #4

        LoD, I am not sure if I understood your reply. Assume you are at +1 police, and have the Self Aware colony. This combination should permit you to use 3 units as police, not so? So if you have two police units in the city, the Colony effectively adds a third. Is this right?



        Now assume you are at 0 police rating, and you have a Brood pit in a base. The Pit gives the base +2 police. Without the Colony, this allows you to use 3 units as police. Assume you do have 3 units in the base and all are "police" units, does the Colony do anything? You seemed to say that it does not add a fourth police unit. But does it give you instead the "double" police effect?

        It neither gives an extra police unit (because the 3 limit), nor the double Police effect (since it does not increase the SE rating, but only adds the unit).


        Finally, assume you are at +1 police, have a Pit and 3 police units before the Colony. This combination is the same as 9 non police units keeping the peace. Does the Colony enhance this combination in any way?

        OK, first of all, I need to ask this - does the Brood Pit do anything else than increase the local Police rating (relevant to this case of course) - I don't have SMACX.
        Secondly, I am not sure whether the SA police effect and the +3 Police effect are cummulative. And if they are, shouldn't there be a 6-Police-units effect instead of 9?
        Thridly, it should not add anything, since it would be above the 3-unit limit.


        LoD - Owner/Webmaster of

        I love the tick of the Geiger counter in the morning. It's the sound of... victory! :D
        LoD - Owner/Webmaster of's Discussion Forums and Multiplayer System for SMAC and Civs 2-4


        • #5
          LoD, The Brood Pit adds +2 to the police rating. If the police rating is at +3 (or more), the "police effect" is doubled. What I take this latter point to mean is that a police unit, which normally will passify two drones, will now passify 3. So three police units will calm 3 x 3 = 9 drones.

          The only question is whether the Colony has any affect on this.



          • #6
            Ok this is what I get. A soldier can pacify one drone, this counts as a police unit. Then you have "police" police units with non lethal methods that takes care of two drones. If you double that that means that he can know take care of 4 drones, so at best your cops can take care of 12 drones. Does the self aware colony make a regular soldier or a "police" unit? On another matter I found allocating 20% to psych has caused GA everywhere and I don't need any police units.


            • #7
              I've found SMAC has a tendency to add bonuses together before applying them. It's tripled in one step, not doubled then doubled again.

              Non-Lethal Methods +100%
              +4 police rating +100%
              Total effect +200%
              (1 base drone + 2 bonus drones pacified per police unit)


              [This message has been edited by jones (edited March 25, 2001).]


              • #8
                D, I thought the so-called "police" special ability was "doubled" with a +3 police rating, meaning a police unit can pacify 3 drones. You instead suggest that one "police" unit can pacify four drones. One of us test this. Ned


                • #9
                  It has been tested in the past - not by me I must say. The general concensus of opinion is that if you have a Non-Lethal unit with +3 Police what happens is roughly:

                  Police - 1 Drone Pacified
                  Double - 2 Drones Pacified
                  Non-Lethal +1 - 3 Drones Pacified

                  The confusion arises, IIRC, from the fact that non-lethal is claimed not to add one pacified drone, but to double the police effect of that unit. This it doesn't do.
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                  All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his.
                  "They offer us some, but we have no place to store a mullet." - Chegitz Guevara

