My 'Poly friends,
Been on these forums what seems an eternity, and to all things there is an end. Been taking on some changes and along with these is a comitment to make some changes (a comitment at least to myself. To thine own self be true). 'mongst those is to be more productive. Of course that means my favorite addiction, cruising the forums hour after hour will be coming to an end. I must say it has been a blast and I offer my sincere thanks to all who have aided me in the past. Likewise I hope I left everyone here a bit enriched as well since that really is the point of these forums.
I'll likely stop by every once in a great while, but for now
"Vaya con Dios mis amigos"
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<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Ogie Oglethorpe (edited March 14, 2001).]</font>
Been on these forums what seems an eternity, and to all things there is an end. Been taking on some changes and along with these is a comitment to make some changes (a comitment at least to myself. To thine own self be true). 'mongst those is to be more productive. Of course that means my favorite addiction, cruising the forums hour after hour will be coming to an end. I must say it has been a blast and I offer my sincere thanks to all who have aided me in the past. Likewise I hope I left everyone here a bit enriched as well since that really is the point of these forums.
I'll likely stop by every once in a great while, but for now
"Vaya con Dios mis amigos"
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<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Ogie Oglethorpe (edited March 14, 2001).]</font>