Read what I posted and consider what happens if a mirror has less than 8 panels next to it, or a panel has less than 8 mirrors next to it. Everything I wrote still holds.
Look at it slightly differently. Take a field of panels and mirrors. For each panel, calculate how much extra energy it receives from mirrors (in that field). For each mirror, calculate how much extra energy it contributes to panels (in that field). Obviously, the sums of these sets must be equal, and each in isolation represents the actual energy gained over homogenous solar panels.
Swap every mirror and panel. As I explained in my previous post, for each tile, the bonus energy it contributes or receives must stay the same. Therefore, all of the bonuses in the mirror set are mapped into the panel set, and vice versa. Their sums remain the same and still represent the energy gained over simply using solar panels.
Nothing here depends in any way on the shape of the field, its elevations, solar flares, or any other qualities of the field. However, the following qualities may vary when you exchange mirrors and panels:
The variation in energy from tiles may vary. In other words, one field may be more desirable than the other if you don't have enough crawlers to cover the field.
Terraforming time will likely vary.
...can't think of anything else significant that varies right now.
Look at it slightly differently. Take a field of panels and mirrors. For each panel, calculate how much extra energy it receives from mirrors (in that field). For each mirror, calculate how much extra energy it contributes to panels (in that field). Obviously, the sums of these sets must be equal, and each in isolation represents the actual energy gained over homogenous solar panels.
Swap every mirror and panel. As I explained in my previous post, for each tile, the bonus energy it contributes or receives must stay the same. Therefore, all of the bonuses in the mirror set are mapped into the panel set, and vice versa. Their sums remain the same and still represent the energy gained over simply using solar panels.
Nothing here depends in any way on the shape of the field, its elevations, solar flares, or any other qualities of the field. However, the following qualities may vary when you exchange mirrors and panels:
The variation in energy from tiles may vary. In other words, one field may be more desirable than the other if you don't have enough crawlers to cover the field.
Terraforming time will likely vary.
...can't think of anything else significant that varies right now.