They did print a new Tech Tree chart for SMAX... not that I ever use it.. mind you, I bought a still sealed SMAX about three-four years ago, back when they were overpriced on eBay, and paying 65 bucks was a good deal for it....
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Finding Alien Crossfire
okay I got a question about alien crossfire. I don't have any problems getting it to run under windows XP. I don't get any error messages.
But I do have a problem with the sound. I remember having a problem with the sound with my old system, and I changed some ini line. The problem is the echo effect is drowing out the voice overs. The voice overs sound like ****.
Do I have to do something similar here?
And it seems like both games are in the same director, but they have different exectuables, is this true? Do they also have different ini files? I'm not sure I understand the distinction. If they are seperate, that means you can't play factions such as the university in an expansion game, is this correct?
I do have the latest patch. 2.0 I think. I also went and downloaded that XP compatability thing.
Originally posted by RX2000
SMAC (2 copies), SMAX, Tiger Woods Golf (sucks!), Red Alert 2, and SimCity 3000 Unlimited. I already had SMAC and SimCity 3000, but I didnt have unlimited, so it was still a good buy for me. Hell, I really would have probably shelled out $20 JUST for SMAX, so all the other games are just gravy.
I haven't had much luck finding a no-cd patch. oh well. I changed the dsd and eax setting to 0 in my ini file. Let's see how that works...
cool it worked. This game can be strange. I didn't have to change those lines when I installed SMAC on my new system. But now I installed Alien crossfire, I had to change those lines back. strange.
In any case now I just need to learn the new rules. I wasn't going as great as I thought I should be playing the Cybernetic faction on the standard map of planet. I need to get up to speed.