I read an interesting post several months ago, about a replacement player using nerve gas choppers to force sea level changes. If you haven't repealed the UN Charter, how do you figure the eco-damage of various atrocities if you are trying to force sea level changes? Can nerve stapling contribute, and does it reduce your free mineral level for eco-damage calculation? If you nerve gas your own units, i.e. a bunch of scouts, would that still count as an atrocity?
How much total eco-damage will it take to start the sea level changes? I know there are some formulas, and things like nerve gas has dual utility - it both counts directly as eco-damage and decreases your free mineral level. Any threads/articles/other data on this?
Note - for those in my PBEM game where you could see me attempting this - I'm just examining my options, I DO NOT intend to do this - yet.
How much total eco-damage will it take to start the sea level changes? I know there are some formulas, and things like nerve gas has dual utility - it both counts directly as eco-damage and decreases your free mineral level. Any threads/articles/other data on this?
Note - for those in my PBEM game where you could see me attempting this - I'm just examining my options, I DO NOT intend to do this - yet.