I've notcied on several occasions that right in the beginning of a game I start researching tech that I didn't even specify in my priorities (e.g.: choosing build and discover and having the computer choose explore tech twice in a row.) I know that even if I focus in just one catagory I'll get tech choices from other catagories to make furthur research in the catagory of my choice possible. That I know. Here's my question: How does the game make it's chioce when it's time to research a new tech? I was taking a skim through the alphax.txt file and saw that each tech is given a numerical rating from 0 to 3 in each of the 4 catagories. Anyone know what equation the game uses? I'd check my strategy guide (I remember it having lots of equations in there that the game uses to determine stuff) but long story short...it was stolen
I don't even remember seeing it in there anyway, so can anyone profer up some nuggest of wisdom? Thanks in advance!
Black Phoenix

Black Phoenix