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zsozso's Ultimate Builder Challenge

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  • zsozso's Ultimate Builder Challenge

    Remember this?:

    ************************************************** **********

    Ultimate Builder Challenge

    I would like to invite all Builder-style players to participate in this single-player challenge and post periodic reports (e.g. every 50 turns) to compare the performances. Of course, non-builder style players can also participate.

    The title simply reflects the fact that the game setup is choosen to give a hard time to the builder style

    The short description:

    Play this scenario and try to win by transcendence.

    I told you it was going to be short...

    The long description:

    Download this scenario file:

    (no longer on original site - see below for downloading)

    Play it and try to win by transcendence! All victory conditions are enabled, so the AI has the chance to beat you in any way, but if you win by any other way than transcendence, that means you have not fulfilled the challenge.

    The game is almost a standard SMACX game with a very specific set of setup option and faction choice which makes it hard to transcend.

    The factions
    1. Planet Cult - the human player, i.e. You
    2. Hive
    3. Believers
    4. Spartans
    5. Pirates
    6. Caretakers
    7. Usurpers

    Rule options:
    * All victory conditions ON - for the AI, but you must win by transcendence!
    * Do or Die ON
    * Look First ON
    * Tech Stagnation ON
    * Spoils of War OFF - can't steal it
    * Blind Research ON
    * Intense rivalry (aggressive AI) ON
    * Bell Curve ON - better comparison chances for the challenge
    * Iron Man ON

    Difficulty: Transcend (of course!)

    The game is played on the Huge Map of Planet - so that everybody has the same chance to know it including me, because I want to participate too without unfair advantage.

    For the same reason, I give you the starting locations (pods/scouts, look first is on, so you can walk about before putting down your city).

    Of course, you can also load the scenario into the editor to look around before you play.

    Just don't use the editor during the challenge game...

    1. Cult (You) start at (69,17) - Isle of Deianira
    2. Hive at (91,71) - near Monsoon Jungle
    3. Believers at (110,32) - near Upland Wastes
    4. Spartans at (32,102) - near Freshwater Sea
    5. Pirates at (74,78) - between Sea of Unity and Geothermal Shallows
    6. Caretakers (15,55) - near The Ruins
    7. Usurpers (46,54) - near Garland Crater

    Now, the only remaining thing to explain is the almost above, i.e. what makes this scenario very different from a game started up with the same setup parameters and factions. It is the diplomacy setup!

    Each AI faction has the following special diplomacy setting:
    * Vendetta with Planet Cult
    * Attrocity victim of Planet Cult
    * Want revenge against Planet Cult
    * Fight to Death with Planet Cult
    * Pact with all other AI factions
    * Surrendered to all other AI factions (yes the Scenario editor allows
    both ways surrendered state - go figure )
    * The current diplomacy status is fixed - cannot change during game!

    BTW, do not hope to get some freebie tech or Alien Artifacts from the Unity pods. These 2 goodies are disabled.

    So, imagine those 6 warmonger AI factions in ubreakable submissive pacts with each other (meaning they will share every tech discovered and help each other) all against you in a fight-to-death vendetta, pissed off because of your alleged attrocities against them. And now, you have to transcend under blind research tech stagnation with a very weak builder faction (-1 economy, -1 industry).

    ************************************************** **************

    Well, thanks to Tau Ceti for supplying the original start scenario.

    You are the Cult, in permanent vendetta against all six other factions.

    You can download this from the Spartan Chronicles site's "Fall Challenges" page (last page in site):

    and play and compare to the "greats" of yesteryear (sorry vel and zso )

    (edited on Nov 29th - Bravenet is installing a new server so the fast URL is disabled - you can alternatively click on:

    to dowwnload)

    Remember it is a scenario, so load into your scenarion folder, and choose "play scenario" to open.

    You can check the progress of players past in the archived thread:

    Post your game logs in this thread (the original is padlocked and archived)


    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Googlie (edited November 29, 2000).]</font>

  • #2
    Hell, this sounds like the punishment for someone who has killed his own mother and father!

    But I will give it a try, If it works on my German SMAC version.


    • #3
      The setting that I don't love is "Fix current status as permanent" Guess why?
      But I love challenges and I accept this one.
      I've give to all of the faction their "landing techs"
      Cult:2 C.Pods, 1 Scout, 1 Worm
      Hive,Believers:2 C.Pods, 2 Scouts
      Spartan:2 C.Pods, 1 Scout, 1 Unity Rover
      Pirates:2 Sea C.Pods, 2 Gunfoils
      Caretakers:2 C.Pods, 1 Former, 1 B.O.MK1
      Usurper:2 C.Pods, 2 B.O.MK1
      If you want I can send by E-Mail my scenario.
      I will post here my comments about this game.
      Aslo the gods are impotent against men's stupidity --Frederich Shiller
      In my vocabulary the word "Impossible" doesn't exist --Napoleon
      Stella Polaris Development Team -> Senior Code Writer (pro tempore) & Designer


      • #4

        Can't resist. I just can't resist, I'm going to have to have a go at this. It is going to hurt, though, believe me, and should provide you with some entertainment at least....

        When it's done, how about we play it as an OCC? (Vel, I was joking.... )
        We're back!


        • #5
          Oh dear. I can tell that this is going to be a long hard struggle. Basically, I gave up at 2151 after losing all five of the early SPs. I would post the log, but it's too depressing. Oh yeah, and I had the grand total of six techs at that time. Bummer.

          Oh well, the only way is up, I suppose.

          We're back!


          • #6


            I'm not sure that the spirit of a compare challenge is maintained when you edit the scenario to adjust the starting situation.

            The intent of resurrecting this one was to let current players compare themselves to the victors in the original challenge (thread archived and padlocked).

            It's no longer the same game when you have made changes.



            • #7
              Cha Dawn of the Planet Cult, Zsozso's Ultimate Builder Challenge:

              2101 - Pod, monolith. Start as you mean to go on
              HQ founded
              2102 - Pod - monolith
              2105 - Pod - nut resources
              2109 - Pod - MWs
              2112 - AppPhy
              Pod - monolith
              2113 - MWs destroy former. Yuck.
              2119 - now 0/3 in mind worms captures
              2120 - Biogenetics
              2122 - MW captured at long, long last....
              2124 - Earthquake three spaces east of HQ.
              2132 - InfNet
              2147 - WP begun - have half a chance this time at least....
              2148 - PlanNet - switch to Planned

              S'pose we should have a report at 2150....

              8 bases (12 pop)
              6 techs
              Tech cost - 144 Tech per turn - 11
              Turns every 14, next in 11

              6th in powerchart - Two progs ahead in all categories, split 3/3
              Order - Caretakers, Usurpers 98%, Hive 65%, Pirates 60%, Santiago 50%, Cha Dawn 40%, Miriam 20%

              Income - 3/turn
              What passes off as a military:
              7 Scout Patrols
              2 MWs, 1 SL
              6 Formers, 1 CP

              A few musings:
              Certainly a lot better first 50 years, I am but two techs away from the ultimate goal, IndAuto, although the next tech is an explore . However, labs production is not all that bad, and if we can continue to build at this rate, we should grow a fair bit in the next 50 or so years. Things are looking good. For now.
              We're back!


              • #8

                Originally posted by Googlie on 11-30-2000 06:08 PM


                I'm not sure that the spirit of a compare challenge is maintained when you edit the scenario to adjust the starting situation.

                The intent of resurrecting this one was to let current players compare themselves to the victors in the original challenge (thread archived and padlocked).

                It's no longer the same game when you have made changes.


                You are rigth, but... I could not download the correct scenario so I've tried to build my own scenario respecting the settings you have signaled and giving to the faction "normal" landing condition:
                I've not placed bases, and I've respected the tendences of the factions (i.e. CT begin with a former, Sp with a Rover, Us with 2 Ogres ...)

                Unluckly I don't know how to "force" landing in the right place...

                If you want you can post here correct landing settings.

                Luck helps prepared the mind.

                --Blaise Pascal
                Aslo the gods are impotent against men's stupidity --Frederich Shiller
                In my vocabulary the word "Impossible" doesn't exist --Napoleon
                Stella Polaris Development Team -> Senior Code Writer (pro tempore) & Designer


                • #9


                  Didn't mean to be carpy or cranky - just wanted to "preserve the integrity of the challenge."

                  I understand that Tripod (which hosts the Spartan Chronicles site) can occasionally be balky re downloads, so I've e-mailed you the .zip file



                  • #10
                    2101 Found Nut (68,16)
                    2102 Founded Dawn of Planet (67,17)
                    Found 2 Monoliths (66,18) and (72,18)
                    2105 Founded Concordat of Worms (71,11)
                    2107 Found Nut and Worm (72, 24)
                    2108 Found Min and Transport (80,14)
                    2109 Found 25 Credids (82,12)
                    2110 Found Rover (86, 20)
                    2114 Found Nut (74,12)
                    2115 Discovered Applied Phisics
                    2116 Found Min (72,14)
                    2119 Found Minerals for CoW's C.P! (86,4)
                    2121 Founded Remain in Light (72, 22)
                    2123 Discovered Information Networks
                    2124 Found Isle of Deep (73, 7)
                    2127 Founded Consecration Pit (77, 7)
                    2130 Dawn of Planet built Rec Commons
                    2133 Transport destroied by Pirates' GunFoil
                    2134 Captured Mindworms (69,11)
                    2137 Marr begin Command Nexus
                    Discovered Biogenetics
                    2138 H'minee begin Command Nexus
                    2139 Yang begin Command Nexus
                    2142 Remain In Light built Colony Pod
                    2148 Santiago begin Merchant Exchange
                    2149 H'minee discovers Secrect of Human Brain
                    Dawn of Planet and Concordat of Worms built Network Node
                    Dawn of Planet begin Weaver Paradigm
                    2150 Founded Dawn's Chancel (81,15)

                    5 bases 13 pop, 1 secialist (Consecration Pit)
                    E 4% Tech accumulated:73
                    D 10% Tech Cost:100
                    B 4% Tech per turn:10
                    C 4%
                    Total Income:4
                    6 Scouts
                    1 Mindworm
                    4 Formers
                    1st: H'minee
                    2nd: Marr
                    3rd: Yang
                    4th: Santiago
                    5th: Svensgaard
                    6th: Cha Dawn (Me)
                    7th: Miriam
                    SCORE: 36
                    [This message has been edited by Vultur (edited December 03, 2000).]
                    Aslo the gods are impotent against men's stupidity --Frederich Shiller
                    In my vocabulary the word "Impossible" doesn't exist --Napoleon
                    Stella Polaris Development Team -> Senior Code Writer (pro tempore) & Designer


                    • #11
                      2153 Discovered Planetary Networks. Chosed Planned.
                      2156 Remain in Light built Recycling Tank
                      2157 Fellowship City(Hive) built Command Nexus
                      2158 Warrior's Armony(Usurper) built Weather Paradigm
                      Dawn of Planet redirect efforts on HGP
                      2161 Melody of Souls(Caretaker) built Human Genome Project
                      Dawn of Planet redirect efforts on Virtual World
                      2163 Leader's Horde(Hive) built Merchant Exchange
                      2167 Founded Trance of Purity (64,10)
                      2179 Discovered Ethical Calculus. Directing Research on Explore/Conquer
                      2180 Great Interwining(Caretakers) built Empath Guild
                      Dawn of Planet(My HQ) built Virtual World!!!
                      2187 Used Colony Pod for adding population to DoP
                      2190 Used Colony Pod for adding population to DoP
                      2191 Yang landed 2 units! (71,25) and destroyed 1 of my formers!
                      2193 The Hive (Guess who?) built Planetary Transit Sistem
                      Hive's Units conquest and destroy Ramain in Light &
                      Used Colony Pod for adding population to DoP
                      2194 Discovered Doctrine:Mobility
                      2197 Used DoP Mindworm to destroy Hive's Rover
                      2200 Destroyed Hive Laser Infantry-No enemy on my land!
                      5 bases; 20 pop
                      E 13% Tech accumulated:110
                      D 20% Tech Cost:270
                      B 4% Tech per turn:17
                      C 4% Next Tech:10 years
                      Total Income:15
                      4 Scouts
                      2 Mindworm
                      6 Formers
                      4 Probe Teams
                      1st: Yang
                      2nd: Marr
                      3rd: H'minee
                      4th: Santiago
                      5th: Svensgaard
                      6th: Miriam
                      7th: Cha Dawn (Me)
                      SCORE: 108

                      I'm using probe teams to protect terrain enhancement from Pirates'Arty's Gunship, and seem to work
                      Tech is too slow but without WP I can't borehole when I want... mindworms are the only weapon that works againts my enemys
                      [This message has been edited by Vultur (edited December 03, 2000).]
                      Aslo the gods are impotent against men's stupidity --Frederich Shiller
                      In my vocabulary the word "Impossible" doesn't exist --Napoleon
                      Stella Polaris Development Team -> Senior Code Writer (pro tempore) & Designer


                      • #12
                        I tried this scenario. I didn't get very far. The pirates had me boxed in. I took to using my captured spore launcher to bomb there ships away from my island. I got doc flexability a found a base belonging to Yang. I captured it with mindworms and then the pirates captured three or four of my main bases, I had nothing that could beat there plasma steel armor so I called it a game.


                        • #13
                          2102 Founded Wattle
                          2105 Founded Iris
                          2113 Discovered Biogenetics
                          2120 Discovered Secrets of the HB ---> Ethical calculus
                          2134 Captured first native- sporelauncher
                          2137 Discovered Applied Physics
                          2138 Founded Cactus
                          2143 Founded Kelp
                          2152 Started Human Genmome Proj. at Wattle
                          2155 Founded Spruce
                          2160 Hive completed Command Nexus
                          2161 Captured MW
                          2164 Usurpers completed Weather Paradigm
                          2169 Switched to Democratic
                          2170 Pirates call election, Yang elected
                          2172 Usurpers completed Human Genome Project (I had 5 turns to go) discovered Doctrine Flexibility
                          2173 Hive completed Merchant Exchange
                          2177 Pirates commence bombardment of improvements near Kelp
                          2179 Founded Sargasso
                          2180 Pirates destroy Spore Launcher
                          2191 Hive sank my exploring foil
                          2195 Hive joins Pirates in shore bombardment
                          2202 Discovered Nonlinear Mathematics Usurpers land near Kelp
                          2203 Kelp captured by Usurpers
                          2205 Coralite (seabase from Kelp escape pod) founded
                          2212 Liberated Kelp & destroyed their escape pod withg my Impact Squads
                          2214 Hive invaded near Spruce & destroyed it
                          2217 Discovered Industrial Base
                          2220 Hive invaded near Kelp sank Pirate foil with my foil
                          2221 Hive sank my foil Pirates captured Coralite
                          2227 Hive & Usurpers invaded near Kelp
                          2228 Hive invade with Needlejets & capture Kelp
                          2230 Hive established Plex Anthill on my territory near Kelp
                          2232 Liberated Kelp again
                          2233 Hive completed Planetary Transit
                          2235 Conquored Plex Anthill
                          2238 Hive invaded near Kelp
                          2239 Destroyed Hive invaders
                          2250 Caretakers invaded from 2 points simultaneously
                          2251 Caretakers captured Wattle
                          2252 Discovered Optical Computers
                          2255 Hive invaded near Kelkp
                          2256 Destroyed Hive invaders
                          2257 Spartans invaded
                          2258 Destroyed Spartan invaders

                          Took a break!

                          Damn this is hard. Most if not all have airpower & I'm nowhere near. I'm invaded by 3 factions at once! Don't like the looks of it! Has this actually been done by anyone?



                          • #14

                            Yes- Misotu holds the record for transcendence(I think in 2364

                            Here's the original thread:


                            Good luck,



                            • #15
                              Yup, you're right Googlie. So ... did anyone even manage to finish the damn game in this second run?
                              Team 'Poly

