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My little war part 2

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  • My little war part 2

    I'm going to have change my views...Yang was my number one pain in the ass as far as my games go...but now he's numer 2! (Miriam would be 3, but she's only dangerous during the first part of a game, before you can out-tech her)

    No, the no.1 spot goes to Cha Dawn! That little bastard really pissed me off. If there was a diplomatic option to say "Don't build a sea base directly off of my coast" we might have gotten along. But the AI loves to do that. Cha built a sea base in a bay while we were pacted. (A submissive pact he surrendered.) Now, there are about a million other place he could have put this base....places with more...far more minerals and nutrients...but no, he has to build it right where I have three boreholes and crawlers. I'm not going to wait for him to try to take away my production! But then the little ******* won't give me the base! (What do I offer in return? i'll kill you, thats what!) The AI is good at avoiding war. Our pact went down to a Treaty of Friendship and Cha wouldn't be goaded into a war. I grew tired of that and figured, the hell with my rep...and attacked him. After taking the sea base and two other bases (including his capitol) he surrendered again. Fine. I figured, I showed his stupid punk ass. But then he builds a sea base in the SAME SPOT! Grrrrr.....

    Sunspots came up which is good since i wasn't accepting surrenders after that. I'm already at war with Miriam and Domai so my patience is thin. I just finished wiping the cult from the face of planet and now its Miriam's turn. Domai can wait. He's still too far away to be a credible threat, and I have a suprise for him anyway. (a dozen fungal bulk they work great)

    But from now on, when Cha is in a game he MUST DIE!

    "I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown

  • #2
    Please, please remain calm. It probably was just some kind of AI glitch, may not have been the Cult...


    • #3

      Isn't SMAC wonderful? I don't know of very many games where you can get so emotionally involved: Dee, how could you? (sniff); Morgan, you stupid idiot - now Yang is going to eat you alive; So, Miriam, you want a little probing action? Well, I've got a little probe Just-For-You; Lal - what about the Charter? Bloody hypocrite!

      In my opinion it's the personalities and the story of the game that keeps it alive, not its mechanics.



      • #4
        Exactly Hydro....thats why I was so disappointed by CTP2's AI. I remember Civ2's AI getting me really mad a few times...("Oh, so the Egyptians think I'm just a minor province, eh...lets see em minor this....")

        I know that Cha is really just an algorithm, but I really began to feel like the ittle dweeb was putting that sea base there to go "nyah, nyah! you can't hit me!". Well, I'm "Wicked" now, but there ain't no more Planet Cult. Little juvenile deliquent is making fugal sneakers in my punishment sphere sweatshop now...

        "I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown


        • #5
          Hydro, very good statement!

          I have to confess, that I, although knowing that the factions and their leaders are only algorithms, I take things personally, and I often let them pay for the sins they have done to me in another game long before.

          I will never forget that litte game long, long ago on third level (bibliotecan?) where I made the experience of Morgan probing a freshly captured base with my best units away from me for the first time. I am still punishing him for that in every game where Morgan appears.

          And if someone pisses me really, really of in real life, I make a play-against-custom-faction after his characteristics. Games with one of this factions in it end everytime with a ruined reputation of me, these are the games when I build X-units even if there are no aliens in the game.


          • #6

            Little juvenile deliquent is making fugal sneakers in my punishment sphere sweatshop now...

            LOL, now that's a site

            SMAC is a game of personal involvment, look at all the "I hate dee" threads.


            • #7
              A good game I played was when I was alone on a continent as the University. The Gaians on the next landmass were getting their you-know-what kicked by the Hive. The Hive started to tick me off and I realized I must save the Gaians lest they fall and the Hive expands in my direction! A crusade! I formed an alliance with Dee, sent over an expeditionary force. I recaptured several Gaian cities and taught that arrogant ultra-pinko-twinkletoed commie a lesson.

              I LOVE SMAC because, for one, Alliances Really Work, unlike Civ2!


              • #8

                I LOVE SMAC because, for one, Alliances Really Work, unlike Civ2!

                Yeah, you have to give props to firaxis. In civ, I used to get alliances just for the added breathing room - the AI would have to go through politics before a sneak attack.
                [This message has been edited by SMACed (edited January 26, 2001).]


                • #9
                  I like Dee.She likes me.I'm allways in Green econ, so she is loyal to me.She makes a good ally.
                  D4,DO NOT IGNORE THE DRONES!They are painful.
                  But it's true what you say about taking the AI personaly.My worst pain is the Pirates...nasty.
                  It hurts to be on the cutting edge!


                  • #10
                    I haven't finished the game yet, but victory is assured. I want to transcend so I can't destroy the drones yet or it'll be an automatic conquest victory...but you're right. Domai always seems to be a pain late in the game, for me anyway.

                    Don't get me started on the pirates. Sven always decides to vendetta me by mid game, and since I never build a large navy he knows I can't really attack him. I had one game where I used airpower to smash all of his units and used two...only two ships to take all of his bases until he surrendered with maybe 3 left.

                    "I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown


                    • #11
                      I have to say, I get real wrapped up in this game. I've spent several minutes ranting at Miriam or Yang. And the pirate Sven is next on the list. I generally take them out first chance I get.


                      • #12
                        Faction diplomacy and agendas are the best! I've actually yelled at Morgan while playing as the Gaians, ranting about his boreholes and mines and total lack of respect for Planet and how Planet was going to get him... and then broke into laughter when Morgan Transport was destroyed by worms! HAHAHAHA!!!
                        Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                        Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.

