Hello all,
I just cracked SMAC out of the box and reloaded it onto my computer and I've been having fun with it, at the same time though...I realize why I stopped playing it.
I like almost everything about the game from a conceptual standpoint. I like the way governmental setup works, the way environment is envisioned, how units are truly customizable to specific tasks, and so on and so forth.
Automation, however, and my micro managing nature really spoil things for me. My major gripes...
Automatic formers are D-U-M-B! I not a fan of the automatic former setup in SMAC. They simply go and mess up squares I don't want them to touch and they don't work on squares I want them to improve. A couple examples. 1) I had a 3500m mountain which four of my major cities had surrounded and the peak was the only square not within city limits. So, I went in and dropped an echilon mirror right on the top and got a pretty nice energy boost from all the high altitude solar collectors surrounding it. Things were good, but within turns of automating any former it would immediately go to this promontory and start building a sensor array!
Now this is where you say Oh...well then automate them to improve the city they are in only...well that doesn't work either
2) I want maxxed out production and food in that order. I'm an early and especially later game fan of forests. I normally have a high food square that will offset the low food of a forest (at least until I get tree/hybrid farms). If it is any kind of flat, any kind of arid, or even only moist, I will build a forest on it. The automated formers, however, cannot be set to automate and not change improvements already in place though and so they're always making my moist/flat terrain squares into junk farms
3) Finally, even when I finally give up and just automate the formers and let them start ruining my land, they spend most of their time just moving around doing nothing
Next gripe...upgrading units...
When I have the game set to autocreate units I'm getting the text every other turn (when I get a tech) telling me to do this and do that...okay..I can turn that off...no big... but when I do, I still get this forced down my throat and I have to spend five minutes deleting my old units (retire if none, obsolete if 1 or more) and making the new one..and so on and so forth. At the rate I discover techs (see below) this takes a constant toll on my nerves and traps me in the minutia. So now I go back to autocreating my new units. Okay it saves me time, but then I wind up with a bunch of crap units I don't want. When I go to war I take a bunch of the same unit and just pound the defenders into a nice refined nanopaste I don't need 30 units clogging up my building list when I'll only ever use 10 or 15.
Finally...tech research...
Tech comes WAY too fast. I'm a tech junkie and by the start of the midgame I'm getting techs in 1-4 turns for the rest of the game even with tech stagnation. This makes me have infinite queues at my bases and the aformentioned constant outdatedness of my military.
Whew...sorry to semi-rant, but I had to get those off my chest. Does anybody have suggestions? Do you trust the automated systems in SMAC? What do you do when you have thirty items to build at your base all of which would be nice to have? On a side note, what do you do about blind research? Do you keep your priorities in line with your faction? Do you just click all of them like me or just one of them? I'm going to try playing one strength level up, but I'll look forward to what anybody here has to say.
I just cracked SMAC out of the box and reloaded it onto my computer and I've been having fun with it, at the same time though...I realize why I stopped playing it.
I like almost everything about the game from a conceptual standpoint. I like the way governmental setup works, the way environment is envisioned, how units are truly customizable to specific tasks, and so on and so forth.
Automation, however, and my micro managing nature really spoil things for me. My major gripes...

Automatic formers are D-U-M-B! I not a fan of the automatic former setup in SMAC. They simply go and mess up squares I don't want them to touch and they don't work on squares I want them to improve. A couple examples. 1) I had a 3500m mountain which four of my major cities had surrounded and the peak was the only square not within city limits. So, I went in and dropped an echilon mirror right on the top and got a pretty nice energy boost from all the high altitude solar collectors surrounding it. Things were good, but within turns of automating any former it would immediately go to this promontory and start building a sensor array!

Next gripe...upgrading units...
When I have the game set to autocreate units I'm getting the text every other turn (when I get a tech) telling me to do this and do that...okay..I can turn that off...no big... but when I do, I still get this forced down my throat and I have to spend five minutes deleting my old units (retire if none, obsolete if 1 or more) and making the new one..and so on and so forth. At the rate I discover techs (see below) this takes a constant toll on my nerves and traps me in the minutia. So now I go back to autocreating my new units. Okay it saves me time, but then I wind up with a bunch of crap units I don't want. When I go to war I take a bunch of the same unit and just pound the defenders into a nice refined nanopaste I don't need 30 units clogging up my building list when I'll only ever use 10 or 15.
Finally...tech research...
Tech comes WAY too fast. I'm a tech junkie and by the start of the midgame I'm getting techs in 1-4 turns for the rest of the game even with tech stagnation. This makes me have infinite queues at my bases and the aformentioned constant outdatedness of my military.
Whew...sorry to semi-rant, but I had to get those off my chest. Does anybody have suggestions? Do you trust the automated systems in SMAC? What do you do when you have thirty items to build at your base all of which would be nice to have? On a side note, what do you do about blind research? Do you keep your priorities in line with your faction? Do you just click all of them like me or just one of them? I'm going to try playing one strength level up, but I'll look forward to what anybody here has to say.